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                                                 Alison M. Wolfe MBA, MS, PhD, Professor

                                    ASSIGNMENT INFO: Facilitators

                                            Rubric:  Team Facilitator Assignment

                 þ  Professional business-casual (business-smart) attire required for the presentations.
                 þ  Upload your PowerPoint® and, if applicable, presentation handouts/materials (for class) to Canvas®.
                 þ  Note:  All student facilitators must participate in each assignment section:  key concepts, book club, case, article review
                     and assignment examples.
                                        ORAL PRESENTATION                                 POINTS        YOUR
                  Introduction & Close                                                        10
                  Use of PowerPoint®:  Creative images, graphics, style, interest             10
                  Logic, flow, organization, collection, and time management                  10
                  Attitude:  Relaxed; use audible, clear voice; use appropriate verbal/body language    10
                  Confidence in topic:  Speak about material rather than read from note cards or slides
                  Textbook Concepts:                                                          10
                     ð Briefly review of “8” key concepts/terms from reading
                     ð Most interesting concept from each team member
                  Textbook Concepts & Team Term Project Concepts Update                       10
                  Book Club Overview and Facilitators’ question(s)                            10
                  Follow this format:    1.  Main idea of reading, 2. Important facts and concepts (cite
                  pages and examples) 3.  Most Interesting to the facilitator 4. Bias by the Author (yes or
                  no), 5. Create 1 or 2 discussion questions on the assigned reading – address the class
                  Case Overview and Case Questions question(s).   Follow this format:    1.  Main   10
                  idea of case 2. Important facts and key concepts 3. Case questions
                  Assignment examples – very important                                        10

                        ð  Relevant Marketing Article Review to support the case and concepts.  Follow format, Main
                            idea, key facts, most interesting, and bias, if applicable.
                        ð  Support assignment with recent article review, “creative examples” (media) and/or “outside
                            sources”, and/or use of marketing digital ethics topics from textbook
                  Facilitators’ role:  leading, listening, probing, engaging, summarizing, and   10
                  managing time
                  Knowledge: Mastery of topics and content                                Expected
                  References and support of ideas (outside sources), APA                  Expected
                  Matter of correctness including spelling, grammar, and word usage       Expected
                  Professional appearance                                                 Expected
                  Presentation:  creativity                                               Expected
                  Divide each area equally by team members.                               Expected
                  Cite sources properly, e.g., APA                                        Expected
                  Every team member should take a part in each category / Divide work equally    Expected
                  Bonus points, if applicable
                  Deductions (-), if applicable
                                                                                 TOTAL       100

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