P. 2
Page 2 September, 2020
Continued from pg 1
protected data, is a good way 1. Proactive Security
t o d e t e r m i n e w h a t Auditing/Testing: is the
weaknesses may be present best safeguard against
in an organizations IT hackers and fraud.
infrastructure. 2. In case if the software
system is already hacked
future-proofed advice This is among the first steps ( b a c k d o o r ) a n d
delivered in plain English. an organization can take to organization wants to
systematically eliminate risky determine whether any
By thinking outside the c o n f i g u r a t i o n s b e f o r e threats are still present in
box, and keeping up to attackers can exploit these the system to avoid future
date with all the latest openings. hacks.
developments, we ensure 3. Organizations want
we keep you one step Why do you need I.T their data to be secured,
ahead of the cyber threats Security Assessment? and security audit/testing
and vulnerabilities. is essential to ensure
It is an important service that security.
What is I.T. Security any business with sensitive
Assessment? data on their networks should Xylo360 Approach
consider. The information
The IT (Information obtained from an audit/test Xylo360 is a full-service
Technology) landscape is may help prevent security information security
sophisticated. Dealing breaches in critical public c o n s u l t i n g f i r m
with multiple contractors (web) facing infrastructure, as specializing in security
and suppliers, different IT well as flaws within the LAN assessments, application
a r c h i t e c t u r e s , a n d (Local Area Network). security, penetration
m u l t i p l e h o s t i n g t e s t i n g , p o l i c y
provisions has made it A l s o , t h e i n f o r m a t i o n development, regulatory
further difficult to obtained from the assessment compliance, security
maintain a consistent can be used to better prepare research, and security
view of the cyber threat at your business against the training. Its consultants
all levels. And the threat is ever-present threat of cyber- come from a wide range of
constantly evolving. attacks. Getting tested may b a c k g r o u n d s a n d
also provide additional specialties.
Even when you might intelligence to help complete
think a system is secure, risk assessments and to seek With a forward-thinking
traditional preventive additional funding when approach of potential
security methods may not changes need to be made.
fully detect or block
frauds and cyber-attacks. Cyber-security Assessment
That is why businesses is Essential in an Enterprise
cannot afford to let these Because:
threats stand in the way
of growth and expansion. By putting in place proper
cyber-security assessments
I.T. Security Assessment, and audits, your organization
which involves probing can define the right strategy
applications, operating and growth/expansion
systems and device program to protect your
configurations with the sensitive data and assets. By
goal of gaining access to doing the following:
Continue on pg 3