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Page 3
          September, 2020
                EDITORIAL                                                        enabler to help enterprises
                                               Xylo 360                          e m b a r k   o n   t h e i r
                                                                                 transformation  journey
                he  credit  belongs  to      Continued from pg 2
                                             cyber-security  attacks  and
                the  man  who  is            incidents  is  necessary.  Deliverables:
      Tactually in the arena;                Security  auditing/testing  Upon  completion  of  the
      whose  face  is  marred  with          a s s e s s m e n t   a l l o w s   security  test,  a  detailed
                                             i d e n t i f i c a t i o n   o f  report is sent to the client,
      dust  and  sweat;  who  strives
                                             weaknesses  within  the  including the fallowing:
      valiantly,  who  errs  and  may        digital  infrastructure  1.                Executive summary:
      fall again and again, because          system  through  non-nosy  summary of the purpose of
                                             tests by.                           this test, as well as a brief
      there  is  no  effort  without
                                                                                 explanation of the threats
      error  or  shortcoming.  Your          Identifying  methods  for  facing  the  organization

      time is limited, so don't waste        securing client systems and  from business perspective.
      it living someone else's life.         services.                           2.     Findings: a detailed,
                                             Helping  prevent  security  technical  explanation  of
                                             incidents.                          the  tests,  with  steps  and
      Don't be trapped by dogma –            Prompting  secure  coding  proofs of the findings.

      which  is  living  with  the           within applications.                3.     Conclusions  and
                                             Providing  a  case  for  recommendations:  this
      results  of  other  people's
                                             investing  in  security  section  provides  final
      thinking. Don't let the noise          controls.                           recommendations  and
      of other's opinions drown out          Identifying  areas  for  summary  of  the  issues
      your  own  inner  voice.  And          investments  through  found in the security test.
                                             security  improvements  4.                 P    r  o    b   l  e   m
      most  important,  have  the
                                             initiatives.                        identification to solution.
      courage to follow your heart
      and intuition. They somehow            Why Choose Xylo360                  How Much does it Cost?

      already know what you truly                                                Costs  of  a  security
                                             Weaknesses in information  audit/penetration test can
      want  to  become.  Everything          security  can  jeopardize  v a r y   c o n s i d e r a b l y ,
      else is secondary.                     your mission, threaten your  depending  on  the  project
                                             profitability,  and  invite  size,  and  often  what  the
                                             fines  and  penalties  from  clients’ scope or objectives
                                             regulatory  bodies.  If  you  are.  Each  test  is  quoted
                  To Advertise call
                                             aren't completely confident  f o r ,   o n c e   a   f u l l
                   055 6533307               i n   y o u r   i n f o r m a t i o n   understanding  of  all  the
                   020 8131656
                                             security  posture  or  your  aims  and  objectives  from
          URL:    ability  to  manage  IT  risk,  the client have been made
             E-mail:     talk to Xylo360.                    clear.
                                             O u r   c y b e r   s e c u r i t y    Please contact us:
                                             c o n s u l t a n t s   p r o v i d e    w w w . x y l o 3 6 0 . c o m   ,
            THE TEAM                         services and solutions that , 233

                    Publisher:               deliver continuous security         20 0488833
                  Dilton Consult             assurance  for  business,
                Managing Editor:             government,  and  critical
                    Ato Tandoh                                                                Read
                Graphic Designer             infrastructure.
                    Ato Tandoh                                                     The Noticeboard
        Reporters/Marketing Executives: By having around the clock
               Maame Ama Tandoh              monitoring  and  analysis,
               Yvonne N.L. Lamptey           security is now a business                 on Linkedln
                    Naomi Zuut
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