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Page 8 September, 2020
you want, but we require
FREE ON-LINE COURSES scores of 80% or more to pass.
Once you have passed all the
Continued from pg 7 employers, friends and family.
assessments on your course,
you are officially an Alison
Find the right course
Alison has over 2,000 courses
available, all absolutely free to
Acquire your Certification
complete, and new courses are
Once you have completed
added weekly. Check out our
your course, you can
study areas page to help you
download your learner
understand the type of learning
Find your area of interest record as proof of your
with our Category list you want to pursue, or browse achievement. Should you
our course categories to see
Alison has over 2,000 high like something more official,
where your interests lie. We
quality courses available, all you can purchase your
offer Certificate courses,
absolutely free to complete. Certificate or Diploma
Diploma courses and Learning
All of our certified courses are (depending on the type of
self-paced and have been course or Learning Path
designed by subject matter you've completed) and we
Get Enrolled
experts to give you an will post it to you. We offer
Once you have found the course
interactive and enjoyable free standard shipping
or Learning Path you want to
learning experience. To get worldwide. Your Alison
study, all you have to do is click
started, just choose a Subject Certification can be included
on the Start Now button to
Area below to locate the with your CV/Resume to
enroll and get learning. All
perfect course for your needs. s h a r e w i t h p o t e n t i a l
Your next learning journey is Alison courses are self-paced, so employers, or just to share
you can study whenever you
just minutes away! your achievement with the
want, wherever you want.
GET STARTED .......Register world!
Manage your time, track your
your free Alison account.
l e a r n i n g a n d s e e y o u r
You can register your Alison Empowerment
knowledge grow with our
account either using your We believe that through
email address, or through a practical learner dashboard. education, everyone has the
social media account. power to change their lives,
Become a Graduate
Registering an account is and ultimately the world, for
You can take or re-take an
completely free and gives the better. Use your new
assessment on Alison anytime
you unlimited access to the skills and knowledge to
Alison website. Once you've improve how you work, to
registered your account, get that new job, promotion
upload a picture, update your or college placement, or to
profile and make it public. start a new business. Our free
Your Alison profile lets you learning gives you the
boast about your skills, freedom to learn and the
experience, and Alison tools to succeed. So why not
Certification to anyone you Empower Yourself and
need to share it with, others today!
including prospective