P. 13

October, 2008, 2020
         September                                                                                     Page 13
                                                                                                           Page 13
                 How to Pay Yourself as a Sole Prorprietor

                                            Pros of a sole proprietorship to  grow  something  big  or

                                            ·   Start  right  away:  You  work  in  an  industry  that
                                                d o n ' t   n e e d   t o  often deals with legal issues,
                                                i n c o r p o r a t e ,   b u t  it may be worth putting time
                                                remember  that  you  may  into setting up an LLC/LLP/or

                                                need  to  have  a  business  Corporation.  The  Balance
                                                license.                         goes  deeper  into  different

                                            ·   No  lawyer  needed:  It's  business structures.
                                                easy  to  make  it  happen,
                                                legally.                         How do I pay myself as a
                                            ·   Simple taxes: Very simple  proprietorship?
                                                forms to fill!                   Now,  for  the  good  part  -
                ole  proprietorship  is                                          getting  paid!  The  first
                one  of  the  simplest      C o n s   o f   a   s o l e  recommendation  is  that  you

       Sforms  of  business                 proprietorship                       set  up  a  business  bank
       ownership in Ghana. It is the
                                            ·   Liability.  The  one  major  account, so that you can keep
       most popular form of business            a d v a n t a g e   o f   a  your  business  and  personal
       in Ghana. This popularity may            corporation is that it's a  transactions separate. If you

       be attributed to its simplicity          buffer between you and a  aren't using a different name
       when setting up and the ease             client. It is possible as a  for  your  business,  you  can
       of management. This form of              sole  proprietorship  that  open up a business account in
       b u s i n e s s   h a s   m u l t i p l e    you  can  personally  be  your own name. If you want to

       advantages  to  the  sole                chased  down  for  your  use  a  different  business
       proprietor.                              business debts.                  name,  you'll  need  to  file  a

                                            ·   More work. You may have  DBA  (doing  business  as  or
       W h a t   i s   a   s o l e              to do more as a business  trading as).
       proprietorship?                          owner,  and  handle  more  Put all checks, sales, and all
       According  to  the  Registrar            responsibilities.                income  from  the  business
       General, "a  sole proprietor is
                                            ·   More taxes. You have to  directly  into  that  business
       s o m e o n e   w h o   o w n s   a n    pay  both  personal  and  account  first.  It's  best
       unincorporated  business  by             self-employment taxes.           practice to have a dedicated
       themselves." The business can                                             credit  card  or  charge  card
       operate  -  or  trade  -  under  a   Ultimately, you should make  that's just for the business,

       different name than your own,        a  decision  about  your
       but  ultimately  you  are  the       business structure based on
       owner:  all  profits  from  the      what you hope to do. If it's a
       business  must  go  to  you,  and    small business or even a self-

       you  have  an  obligation  to        employed  practice,  then  a
       report them.                         sole proprietorship could be

                                            a good option. But if you want

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