P. 10
Page 10 September, 2020
Page 10 October, 2008
6 Tips to Make Remote Work Actually Work
communication within your change is one of the best
company should be done methods.
via this chat tool, and any One simple tip: If you need to
external communication ask someone a question or
(with clients, prospects or send them an idea, consider
potential hires) should be whether it needs to be sent
done via email. right now or if it could wait
get discussed. Once the until the next time you meet
4. No agenda, no meeting meeting starts, simply consult with them. If it can wait, add
Whether it's a recurring the agenda and work your way it to your next meeting
meeting in your cadence or through it. It's that simple. agenda. You've just removed
a one-off, every meeting one more notification from
needs to have an agenda. 5 . N o t i f i c a t i o n s a r e that person's day.
And since you're working productivity killers
remotely, pen and paper or Whether it's a phone call, a 6. Digitize your handbook
a chalkboard in the text message, or a slack Many companies have
conference room simply message..., notifications will physical binders of their
won't do. Meeting agendas kill your productivity. And s t a n d a r d o p e r a t i n g
need to be collaborative, when you're working remotely, procedures and other
in the cloud, and attached the amount of incoming processes. That's better
to every calendar event. notifications will easily double than nothing, but now that
or triple compared to what you you are remote, you need to
T h a t w a y , e v e r y might experience in a physical make sure all of that
participant can add office. information is digitized, in
discussion topics for the the cloud, and easy to access.
meeting well in advance. M a k e s u r e y o u r t e a m
This simple action will understands the true cost of With everything going on in
ensure that all of your notifications. Studies have the world right now, make
meetings go smoothly and shown that it takes at least 20 sure you identify backups for
that everything that minutes to get into a “flow your core personnel and
needs to be discussed will state” where you're most processes. Stress-test them
p r o d u c t i v e , a n d o n e today so that you're
notification or distraction can prepared for someone leaving
take you right out of it. It will immediately, and rotate roles
take another 20 minutes to get once per quarter to ensure
back into that state, meaning every role can be handled by
you've just lost 40 minutes of someone else if needed.
productivity. By Randy Garn
Notification settings can help Showcase Your
here, but simple behavior
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