P. 9
September, 2020 Page 9
6 Tips to Make Remote Work Actually Work
to your meeting cadence, you'll end up with
a disillusioned, unproductive and
unmotivated remote team.
Here are a few of the most common
meeting types you may want to include in
your cadence: Monthly all-hands meetings
with everyone in your company.
How do you make remote work actually Daily stand-up meetings among smaller
work? Here are some tips for your perusal: teams or departments to check in.
1. Keep your communication personal Weekly departmental meetings to discuss
Face-to-face communication is massively projects within a department.
important for remote companies. The Weekly 1-on-1 meetings between superiors
intonations, inflections and verbal cues you and their direct reports.
get from a face-to-face conversation simply
can't be beat. Video conferencing should 3. Don't rely on email
always be the default for meetings in order to One of the biggest mistakes you can make
keep personal relationships alive among your when going remote is to rely on email alone
team. That said, real-time conversations for communication. If your team is
aren't always necessary and scheduling them constantly checking their email to make
can be difficult. sure they don't miss a message, they'll
never be able to get anything done. The
If you need to send a quick message to reality is that email is not designed for
someone, consider doing it with a video instant communication and you should
recording. This allows you to keep that face- never expect people — whether in your
to-face connection and easily explain your company or outside of it — to respond to it
message. Plus, the recipient can view it when instantly.
it's convenient for them.
Instead, implement a chat tool for internal
2. Find a meeting cadence and stick to it communication — and use it for that alone.
Setting a meeting cadence is one of the first As a simple rule, any internal
steps you should take when transitioning your
team to a remote environment. It's the
quickest way to ensure everyone knows what
they're supposed to be doing and is working on
the right projects. A meeting cadence means a
weekly or monthly schedule of routine
meetings. These aren't meetings you can just
cancel on a whim. If you don't rigorously stick
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