Page 1 - Triangle Summer 2013 Issue 14
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ISSUE 14 Summer 2013
Blood Bikes, Riding for Life at the Annual Meeting
This year’s Annual Meeting at its usual venue the Webbington RWBrother David.
Hotel, near Axbridge was held under the Banner of the Hallam The PGM next received a delegation of
Lodge No. 730. The weather was fine, the sun shone & all who Somerset Royal Ark Mariners, resplendent
braved the terrace were met with the Webbington wind from in their colourful Rainbow Regalia.
the valley below! RWBrother David rose to welcome the many
As always, under the watchful eye of the Provincial Grand visiting dignitaries, who were followed by the Provincial
Director of Ceremonies, Ray Johnstone-Smith & to the music Grand Secretary who called the roll of all Somerset Mark &
of W. Bro. Barry Renwick at the keyboard, the assembled RAM Lodges; happily all were represented & replied with an
brethren rose as the Hallam Banner attended by members of appreciative “Here”!
the Lodge entered & took its rightful place on the dais. Next The business of the afternoon continued at a steady pace followed
to enter were the many visiting dignitaries & guests from near by the main event of the day, the appointment & investment of
& far. At the command of the Provincial DC, all rose at the the new Provincial Team & the Promotion of other Somerset
entry of the Provincial Team who formed a column to receive Brethren. After receiving the Travelling Keystone from the
the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master for Somerset Worshipful Master & brethren of the George Norman Lodge,
Brian David Nelson accompanied by the Deputy Provincial No. 967, RWBrother David rose to address the meeting during
Grand Master John Graham Morgan. Led by the Sword & which he described his main charity for the year ‘Blood Bikes’.
Banner bearers, they took their seats after which Provincial Run by the Freewheelers Charity, they offer an out-of-hours
Grand Lodge was opened in form. free courier service to the NHS operating from 7.00pm through
Provincial Grand Lodge was again called to order at the entry to 7.00am during the week & 24 hours at weekends & bank
of RWBrother Herbert Keith Emmerson, the Assistant Grand holidays. They cover in excess of 100,000 miles & make over
Master, who was formally greeted on behalf of all present by 2,200 deliveries a year. It is the PGM’s wish to present a fully
equipped motor cycle to the Freewheelers by Christmas;
the cost is in excess of £15,000. To date £12,142 has been
donated by Somerset Masons!
David’s next comment took everyone by surprise He
announced that he would be standing down as our PGM
before the next Provincial Meeting! Editors note…David
has served the Province for 27 years, as Festival, Deputy
& Provincial Secretary & for the last 10 years as our PGM.
We hope to feature an interview with David in the next
Triangle & feature it also on the Provincial Website.
Finally on a very sad note he reported the sudden death
of R.W.Brother David Ieuan James the PGM for the
Mark Province of Monmouthshire. RWBro. David was
a great friend & supporter of Somerset for many years
& a colleague of our own PGM from the time they were
Provincial Grand Secretaries together, his happy smile
& infectious laugh will be missed; the Province is poorer
for his passing.
After further business, Provincial Grand Lodge was
closed in due form & the brethren joined their ladies
in the bar whilst the Hotel staff prepared the dining
room for the Festive Board where minimum speeches &
From left to right...R.Worshipful Brother David Brian Nelson, maximum laughter were the order of the day!
Blood Bikes Representative Chris Allen & W.Brother John Graham Morgan. ...More pictures page 3.