Page 6 - Triangle Summer 2013 Issue 14
P. 6

Royal Ark Mariners Assembly February 9th 2013

          The  ever  popular  Royal  Ark  Mariners   in  due  form  &  the  business  commenced.   Roy Wilton, Nailsea Lodge, 1548 & Barrie
          Assembly was again held at Nailsea Masonic   Newly admitted Royal Ark Mariners were   Baker,  Somerset  Commanders  Lodge,
          Centre.  Well  over  100  brethren  attended   presented  to  RWBro.  David  who  greeted   1652.  But  surprise!  As  Ray  Johnstone-
          which,  with  the  use  of  very  many  extra   each  brother  with  a  hand-shake  &  a  few   Smith was about to return the PGM to his
          chairs, filled the Lodge Room to capacity.   personal  words.  Another  highlight  of  the   seat,  RWBro.  David  presented  him  with
          At the command of the Provincial Director of   meeting was the presentation of Provincial   a  Provincial  Collaret  of  his  own;  Ray’s
          Ceremonies W. Bro. Ray Johnstone-Smith,   Royal Ark Mariner Grand Rank Collarets   look of astonishment was amusing to see!
          the assembled brethren, including the visiting   to the following brethren: Richard Cooper,   The business proceeded & ended with the
          dignitaries, rose to receive Right Worshipful   Bath Lodge, TI. Keith Surry, Irwin Lodge,   Provincial Grand Master’s address to the
          Brother David Nelson accompanied by his   119. John Smith, William Long Lodge, 191.   brethren.
          Deputy  John  Morgan  &  members  of  the   David Bates, Fidelity & Unanimity Lodge,   All then proceeded to the dining room for
          Provincial Team; the Assembly was opened   348. Graham Gamble, Exmoor Lodge, 697.   an excellent lunch.
                                             Sidney  Brailey,  Thackeray  Lodge,  730.   Copy/pics, Ed.

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