Page 2 - Triangle Summer 2013 Issue 14
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Mark Annual Ball, the Redcliffe Hotel, Paignton
Our ever popular Weekend at Paignton has come and gone again! And so to the Dinner with the minimum of formality and the maximum
Firstly and rightly so, we again thank our Festival Organisers Tony of enjoyment. David Nelson rose briefly to give toasts to the Queen
and Dorothy Snook for all their organising skills in securing the and the Grand Master and was followed by David Veale, presenting
wonderful Redcliffe Hotel for yet another happy break amongst all a toast of appreciation to the PGM. Cliff Hannabuss proposed an
our Mark friends. amusing and happy toast to the Ladies with his usual aplomb.
March 2013 was, we were told, the coldest for 50 years and early PGM David rose unexpectedly and presented a lemon drizzle cake
arrivals on the Friday witnessed later brethren with their ladies and to Pat and Heather Morrisey (to their great surprise) who together
friends appearing muffled up, with scarves flying as they hurried with their children and grandchildren were celebrating their Golden
to reception; but the calm atmosphere and familiar surroundings of Wedding on that very Saturday! May we here thank everyone for
the hotel soon restored normality! The ever-attentive staff, many old their good wishes, the cake from David, (which disappeared with the
friends from previous years were on hand and the Friday evening meal coffee), plus champagne from Barry and Mandy Davis, the new Editor
was all we had remembered. Come Saturday morning, one valiant of Compass Magazine, and also from their close friend Wayne Kelly,
family, complete with children braved the Zoo where some of the the list of cards and gifts from well-wishers and friends goes on, thank
animals seemed as cold as their admirers! you everyone…Pat and Heather.
Back at the hotel, a swim in the heated hotel pool, a lounge in the A drink in the bar followed and for the more active guests, a turn
Jacuzzi or a poaching in the terrifying steam-room prepared many for around the dance floor complete with spot dances organised by Tony
the main event of the week-end, the banquet. Before which, all were and Dorothy, then happily off to bed. As per usual, Tony and Dorothy
personally greeted by our Provincial Grand Master David Nelson, his Snook were already receiving enquiries for next year’s festivities....
lady Catherine, accompanied by John Morgan his Deputy together book soon! See their picture top left with our PGM David.
with his lady Wendy. ...Photo courtesy Barry Davies, Compass Magazine Editor.
...Copy/pics, Ed.