Page 4 - Triangle Summer 2012 Issue 12
P. 4

Provincial Grand Secretary’s Corner

                         Having  now  settled  into  the  position  as   Provincial Ties and Tokens.
                           Provincial  Grand  Secretary  burning  much   Provincial Polyester or Silk Ties at £10 or £15 and Mark
                            midnight  oil,  tarmacadam  and  inkjet   Tokens at £1.50 can be obtained from the Provincial Grand
                             cartridges,  feeling very privileged to be   Secretary via your Lodge Secretary.
                             part of the Provincial Executive Team in   Provincial  Website.  For  the  latest  information  and  form
                              this very happy and thriving Province. I   downloads, visit
                              must express my thanks to all members     S.John Smith
                             of the Province who have pledged their
                             support and assistance, particularly Lodge
                            Secretaries and Scribes and especially our   Provincial 600 Club Winners
                           new  DPGM  John  Morgan,  all  of  whom      Congratulations to our lucky winners.
                          have many other interests, a number still with   Speak to your Lodge Charity Steward about entry forms.
                       work commitments and without whom my job    The WM and his Wardens draw the lucky winners.
           would be impossible. Thank you all Brethren.                 Prizes: 1st.£150,   2nd.£60,   3rd.£40.
           For your Diary,                                         Draw                   Name                  Lodge
           Secretaries/Scribes and Directors of Ceremonies Meeting.
           A  meeting  for  Lodge  Secretaries,  Scribes  and  Directors  of   March.  Bro. Derek  Lewison  697
           Ceremonies will be held on Friday 31st August 2012 at Wedmore   “  W. Bro.Derek Bromwich      730

           Masonic Hall. The meeting on this occasion will be chaired by the   “  Mrs. Dee Kellett       781
           Deputy Provincial Grand Master followed by light refreshment
           and as in previous years is open to Assistant Secretaries, Scribes   April  Mrs Pamela Edwards  102
           and Directors of Ceremonies.  Further information will be sent to   “  W. Bro. Peter Atkins   697
           all Secretaries and Scribes in due course.               “           W. Bro. Roy Wilton       191
           Almoners and Charity Stewards Meeting.                 May           Mrs. Hazel Guthrie        119
           A meeting for Lodge Almoners and Charity Stewards will be held   “  W. Bro. Mike Needs        749
           on Monday 29  October 2012 at The Masonic Hall, Burnham-on-
           Sea. The meeting will be chaired by the Provincial Grand Master   “  W. Bro. David Bond       177
           followed by light refreshment.  Further information will be sent   June  W. Bro. Alan Webber  697
           to all Lodge Secretaries and Scribes in due course.      “          W. Bro. Cedric Platt      1548
           Provincial Grand Assembly of Royal Ark Mariners.         “           Mrs. Diane Hawes         177
           The Provincial Grand Assembly of Royal Ark Mariners will be
           at  Nailsea  Masonic  Hall  on  Saturday  9   February  2013.    The
           Assembly is open to all Royal Ark Mariners and the Provincial   Dear Deputy........
           Grand  Master  is  anxious  that  the  Commanders  of  each  Lodge
           together with his Wardens attend wearing their collars of office.
           As in previous years, all members Elevated since the last Assembly
           will  receive  a  personal  invitation  from  the  Provincial  Grand
           Master  and  will  be  allocated  reserved  seating.    The  Assembly
           will commence at 10.45am followed by Luncheon, summons and
           lunch booking form will be available from Lodge Scribes in due
           course and will also be available for download from the website.
           Annual Meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge.
           The Annual Provincial Meeting of Mark Master Masons will be
           held at the Webbington Hotel on Saturday 4  May 2013 and the
           Provincial Grand Master would like as many Brethren as possible
           to attend, as you are no doubt aware Somerset is the only Province
           in which the ladies are invited to join us for dinner following the
           meeting having been entertained during the afternoon whilst the
           meeting is in progress.  The Provincial Summons and dining slip
           for those wishing to dine will again be included with the spring   Dear John,
           copy of Triangle.                                     congratulations  &  greetings  from  all  your  Mark  friends  in
           Reminders.                                            Somerset. We have no doubt that you will carry out your duties
           May I take this opportunity to remind all Lodge Secretaries and   in your new role in the same distinguished manner as you did as
           Scribes that should their Lodge be without a candidate or indeed   Provincial Grand Secretary over the last five years.
           a Principle officer for a particular meeting, members of the Lodge   We look forward to greeting you at many of our Lodges during
           of Improvement under the leadership of W.Bro. Derek Wilton are   the forthcoming Masonic season.
           only too willing to assist individually or as a team.  John is seen here at Mark Grand Lodge with Fifi who is a
                                                                 VIP in the Mark Hierarchy!

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