Page 5 - Triangle Summer 2012 Issue 12
P. 5

Mark & Craft donate to the Somerset Young Carers Project

          At a recent meeting, the Quantock Lodge   and young people aged 8 to 18 years who
          of  Mark  Master  Masons,  No.  749  raised   have substantial caring responsibilities at
          £250 which was the first request submitted   home.  This  could  be  helping  to  care  for
          to  the  Provincial  Grand  Lodge  of  Mark   a physically disabled parent or sibling, or
          Master Masons to be fund matched. While   a  parent  experiencing  mental  ill  health,
          at  a  recent  charity  night,  Craft  Lodge   alcohol or drug misuse.  The caring role
          Admiral Blake, No. 4692 raised £1,071 this   would  usually  be  having  a  detrimental
          too was fund matched by the Provincial   impact on the young person’s development
          Grand Lodge of Somerset with a further   in terms of difficulties at school, emotional
          £1000.                             difficulties or social isolation.
          Each Lodge donated the money raised to   The Project has two broad aims – firstly
          The Somerset Young Carers Project;   to ensure that the person who is cared-for
          the total was £2,571. The Somerset Young   has access to all the services available to
          Carers Project exists to provide support,   them, thus alleviating the burden of care
          advice  and  respite  breaks  for  children   upon  the  young  person,  and  secondly,
                                             to  offer  the  young  person  a  break  from
                                             caring, by attendance at one of the Young
                                             Carers Groups across the county, one to
                                             one volunteer befriending, or by linking
                                             the  young  person  to  a  leisure  activity   It  has  been  specified  that  half  of  each
                                             of  their  choice  in  the  community.  Also   donation should be spent in the Sedgemoor
                                             provided are day trips to such things as a   and  West  Somerset  areas  whilst  the
                                             pantomime, bowling or cinema as well as   remainder can be used across the County,
                                             counselling and access to on-going support   ensuring  that  local  Masonic  donations
                                             to finance travel and professional services.   have the best effect.
                                             The Project works as holistically as possible   The  picture  right  shows:  Peter  Holmes
                                             with each young person, looking at their   Master of Admiral Blake and left: Dave
                                             home situation, education and social life   Attwater  Master  of  Quantock  Lodge
                                             and working alongside professionals such   presenting  cheques  to  Jo  Sylvester,
                                             as  social  workers,  mental  health  staff,   Regional  Coordinator  together  with  Mr
                                             youth service and schools. Project Workers   Tony Hunt, Treasurer for Friends of Young
                                             cover the whole county of Somerset and   Carers.
                                             if you would like more information about   Special thanks to Lodge Charity Stewards
                                             the Project and what’s going on in your   Robin  Back  of  Admiral  Blake  &  Dave
                                             area, please contact them direct on 08453   Smith of Quantock, who took the pictures
                                             459122.                           and wrote the copy.

                 Herbert Fuller finally get their man!                    Unbelievable, but is it true?

                                                                      The  above  picture  has  been  received  from  our  mid
                                                                      Somerset  reporter    Barrie  Baker,  purporting  to  be
          Many brethren were present in Wincanton on 6th June 2012 when Neville
         Harrison finally became a Royal Ark Mariner. Neville is well known in the Mark   genuine!
                                                                      Has John Lendon really replaced his pen for an electronic
         Degree in Somerset, he is the Secretary of William de Irwin Lodge in Yeovil and   one? We await his next summons with baited breath!
         a Grand Officer in the degree. The photo shows him at the festive board following   Where’s the mouse John,
         his elevation with the Commander of Herbert Fuller Lodge, Roly Bisgrove.   is it near that 13amp plug??
         Thanks to Trevor Smith for the photo.
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