Page 5 - TRIANGLE SPRING 2015 issue17
P. 5
PGM’s First Grand Officer’s Mess R.W.Brother Tony
Cheers Sandy!
The first Grand Officer’s Mess get-
together under the leadership of our new It was with great sadness we learnt
Provincial Grand Master John Morgan, of the passing to the Grand Lodge
was a happy & relaxed occasion. After a above of our greatly esteemed Past
very pleasant lunch provided by Zena & Provincial Grand Master, R.W.Bro.
her team, the PGM invited the brethren A.W.S. Hick (Tony) on Tuesday 29
present to propose & discuss any topic July 2014 after suffering a severe stroke.
R.W.Bro. Tony served this Mark Province
of interest or suggestion relevant to the with dedication since his Advancement
ever-happy running of our Province & its into Mark Masonry on 27 March 1973.
members. He held a succession of offices within
Lively discussion ensued on various the Mark Province of Somerset and was
subjects, opinions were stated & overall appointed our Provincial Grand Master
satisfaction was generally agreed...Ed. in 1997 an office which he carried out
with distinction until his retirement in
2004. Tony will be greatly missed by all.
secret password, they eventually gained A private cremation was held attended by
admission by pulling the secret door instead his family. This was then followed by a
of pushing it. Service of Thanksgiving to Celebrate his
It was a mighty gathering with so much gold Life at St John’s Parish Church, Staplegrove
in view that the pilgrims were awed into Taunton on Tuesday 12 August 2014.
silence. A careful under cover count found The Parish Church was full to capacity,
an unimaginable number of very Grand in fact to overflowing, attended by his
Officers present. Including many from the family and many friends, not only from
secret inner circle of the Devonian Chain- Masonry, but also from Rotary and the
Gang. Assistant PGMs, Deputy PGMs and Scouting movement. During the service
Past PGMs. Tony’s son Michael gave a very moving
The Provincial Grand Master of Hong-Kong and fitting tribute reflecting his father’s
and the Provincial Grand Master of Devon life which gave an insight into Tony’s life
who reigned supreme. as a very caring and loving family man.
At the feast that the pilgrims were allowed Donations in his memory were
to attend, they were spotted from the great welcomed for the St John Ambulance
Top Table by the Right Worshipful Brother of which he was a great supporter
Three brave pilgrims from the Else Lodge Peter Hawkin, PGM of Devon. “Ah-hah” R.W.Bro. Tony will be remembered
of Mark Master Masons, No. 102, Wayne he said, “I see we have missionaries from with great fondness and respect
Kelly, Michael Fazackerley and Pat the dark lands over the border in deepest and our thoughts and prayers are
Morrisey made the hazardous journey over Somerset, down here no doubt to study our with his wife June and the family.
the border into the depths of Devon. ways and train how to do things properly May he Rest in Peace
There they attempted to attend the Amity - Take back my greetings to thy leader”, he and Rise again in Glory.
Lodge No. 849, meeting near the unknown boomed, “For we know each other”.
sea of Exmouth. Although at first it was It was with relief that the three returned back John G Morgan
difficult to gain entry due to the lack of a to their lodge before the day changed! Provincial Grand Master