Page 8 - TRIANGLE SPRING 2015 issue17
P. 8
Royal Ark Mariners Assembly Saturday 14th February 2015
The Assembly was held at Nailsea after which he greeted his many The PGM next addressed the
Masonic Centre on Saturday 14th guests & fellow PGM’s to- Assembly, his words were sin-
February 2015. This was a very spe- gether with their colleagues. cere & interesting, his last line
cial meeting for two reasons. It was The Provincial Grand Secretary gave a touch of humour when
a first not only for our new Provin- called the roll of Royal Ark Lodges, he asked, “Why did Noah let
cial Grand Master, Right Worship- happily all lodges were represented. two mosquitoes into the ark?”
ful Brother John Graham Morgan, The Assembly’s business contin- There was no further business
but also for his Deputy Provincial ued smoothly through the vari- & the Provincial Grand As-
Grand Master, Worshipful Brother ous items which included a very sembly was closed in due form.
Philip Clifford Voisey. The meet- interesting paper presented by The National Anthem was sung,
ing opened under the watchful WBrother John Oakley-Smith enti- after which the Provincial Grand
eye of the Provincial Grand Di- tled, “The Origin of the Royal Ark Master withdrew accompa-
rector of Ceremonies, Worship- Mariners Degree”. It described nied by his Provincial Team.
ful Brother Ray Johnstone-Smith. how the Degree was formed, its All brethren retired to the Din-
The Provincial Dignitaries, guests early difficulties culminating with ing Room where a very pleas-
& Provincial Grand Masters from the successful brotherhood we ant Festive Board was waiting.
other Provinces were escorted all know & greatly appreciate. The main speaker at the Festive
into the Temple to stand with the After welcoming the newly El- Board together with our PGM was
gathered brethren and greet with evated Royal Ark Mariners, The the Right Worshipful Brother, Derek
acclamation the entrance of RW- PGM individually invested the Thomas, PGM of Monmouth, whose
Brother John Morgan with his recipients of Provincial Roy- wit & repartee was greatly appre-
Sword & Banner Bearers, his al Ark Mariners Grand Rank, ciated by us all; a very happy day.
Deputy & the Provincial Team. namely, W.Brothers, G.K.Jeffery, Copy/pics Ed.
The opening Hymn was sung, P.B.Buckle, E.A.G. Kellett,
The Provincial Grand Assem- R.H.Francis, G.J.Small,
bly was opened in due form W.G.Roast, W.Brown
and RWBro. John was Saluted, A.L. Kemlo.
Three Provincial Grand Masters With Their Wardens Norman Ackland, Brian Foster (Acting)
Cheers to my Deputy Philip PGM Walk About!
The Somerset Triangle Newsletter is produced for the Provincial Grand Lodge
of Mark Master Masons of Somerset.
The editor Patrick Morrisey would be pleased to receive articles, news and photographs
for possible publication.Please send to:- “Ashcombe Lodge”, 3 Milton Road, Weston-super-Mare,
N. Somerset BS23 2SA. Tel. 01934 631449. email:- or