Page 18 - Progress Report 3_oct\
P. 18
In Oman, waste management practices have traditionally mirrored the linear econ-
omy model. In 2018, an estimate of 2.1 million tons of municipal waste were gener-
ated across the country*. Open dumping of waste is widely prevalent in the country,
and collected solid waste is mostly dumped in traditional dumpsites without any
treatment or segregation. The nascent recycling industry includes small operators,
who sort and recycle material in unprotected environments thereby increase risk to
people and the environment.
Municipal waste generated by households, restaurants, hotels and other establish-
ments is collected and transported to landfills and dumpsites.
Healthcare waste is transported and disposed either at incineration facilities or at
Industrial hazardous waste is either stored or exported for treatment. Part of the
waste may end up at dumpsites.
Other types of waste such as Waste Electronic Electrical Equipment (WEEE), End-
of-Life Tires (ELT) and Construction and Demolition Waste (C&D) are either trans-
ported to dumpsites or exported.
18 PROGRESS REPORT 2012-2018