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be’ah is committed to its long-term strategic goals whilst being adaptive to the current needs of the
Damage Control Support Oman’s Economy
One of the current and immediate priorities for In the framework of all its projects and operations,
be’ah is to curtail and eventually close down open be’ah is committed to support Oman’s economy
dumpsites that cause harm to the environment. by maximizing in-country-value, whether by giving
be’ah is aggressively working on building the re- priority to experienced local contractors and offer-
quired municipal solid waste infrastructure, includ- ing investment opportunities to local investors and
ing landfills and transfer stations, and establishing Small and Medium Enterprise (SMEs), or by creat-
the necessary infrastructure for proper treatment ing job opportunities for nationals.
and disposal of hazardous and healthcare waste.
Structure Waste Management Services
be’ah outsources waste management services to
specialized companies with proven experience and
great ability to drive efficiency and compliance with
high service standards and environmental guide-
lines. As it continues to expand its capabilities and
capacity, be’ah will be instrumental in bringing its
services through its next phase of growth by pro-
viding integrated municipal waste management
services for governorates, including waste collec-
tion, transportation and treatment. Additionally,
be’ah is working on developing a diversion strategy
for different waste streams, by establishing recy-
cling facilities and creating a major national project
whereby municipal solid waste will be incinerated
to generate energy.
Develop the Waste Management Sector
By raising the level of waste management services
in the country, be’ah plans to attract local and in-
ternational investors and talented resources for
further sector development.
28 PROGRESS REPORT 2012-2018