Page 31 - Progress Report 3_oct\
P. 31

The development of this sector can only be achieved   cial constraints caused by declining oil prices which
          through qualified workforce provided with all the   led the government to take measures to cut bud-

          causes of success, such as a suitable work environ-  gets  across  many  sectors.  However,  the  govern-
          ment, a clear vision and specified goals, and emo-  ment has been extremely supportive and has been
          tional connection with the company’s vision. How-   working in tandem to ensure plans move forward
          ever, due to the scarcity of qualified workforce, the   in spite of the challenging economic scenario. Ow-
          company took upon itself to develop and build the   ing  to  this,  be’ah  took  certain  measures  without
          capacity of the Omani workforce that will be the    impacting its commitments toward sector takeover
          key element to the restructuring of the sector and   timelines and has been looking at innovative ways
          building it according to international environmen-  to stay on course towards building the infrastruc-
          tal standards.                                      ture for a sustainable future.  At the same time be'ah

                                                              has set ambitious targets to reduce the amount of
          Operations Commencement (2016-2020):                municipal waste disposed at landfills by diverting

          Moving  from  implementing  sustainable  waste      60% of MSW by 2020 and 80% by 2030. Plans are
          management  practices  to  optimizing,  operating   underway to setup energy and fuel recovery plants
          and  aligning  waste  management  operations  and   to support the water generation sector, oil & gas
          services with  international  standards.   The  9th  5   sector, and heavy energy reliant industries.

          Years Plan for Oman (2016-2020) plans under the     be’ah’s  strategy  focuses  on  supporting  Oman’s
          Vision 2020 economic programs, reflects prudent     economy by outsourcing all its operations and sup-
          and realistic goals.  It aims at cutting non-core ex-  porting private sector initiatives for collecting and
          penditure in favor of additional attention towards   processing waste which can be recycled, such as
          investment spending in key programs and projects.   Construction  and  Demolition  Waste  (C&D),  End
          Private  sector  role  is  the  backbone  of  the  plan   of Life Tyres (ELT), Lead Acid Batteries (LAB) and
          and the government has already been engaged in      Waste Electric and Electronic Equipment (WEEE).
          supporting this view through either Public-Private   be’ah will continue collaborating with Ministry of
          Partnerships  (PPPs)  or  providing  additional  facili-  Environment and Climate Affairs (MECA), to review

          ties.                                               the  current  legal  framework  and  regulations  for
          Yet  the  9th  5  Years  National  Plan  maintains  fo-  waste management and work towards establishing
          cus on economic diversifications, welfare and en-   a new framework as per the Government’s policy
          hancement of social benefits, and at the same time   for this sector. be'ah is also working towards setting
          on the drive to boost the private sector.  To support   up an “Environmental Center of Excellence” to take
          this  view,  5  prime  sectors  have  been  identified:   advantage of its expertise in waste management in
          manufacturing,  transportation  and  logistics,  tour-  order to foster applied research and development

          ism, and fisheries and mining.  Over 500 programs   and build the sector’s capacity.
          and policies are to be activated in relation to these
          sectors.                                            be'ah Business Excellence (2021-2025):
                                                              Moving forward from commencing all solid waste
          These  five  sectors  represent  untapped  potential   management across Oman, the National Plan high-
          and  the  country’s  determination  to  diversify  its   ly focuses  on  achieving  its  strategies  for the  re-
          economy. Moreover, these sectors have the ability   newable  energy. Accordingly,  be’ah will  focus  to-
          to generate significant numbers of jobs, bearing in   wards fully optimizing and achieving excellence in
          mind the low Omanization rate.                      its waste management practices by recovering the

          be’ah faced extraordinary challenges due to finan-  lost value in waste.

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