Page 47 - Progress Report 3_oct\
P. 47
Traditional Dumpsites
A dumpsite is an open space of land where waste
is discarded in a harmful manner. Waste is either
dumped in piles, thrown in pits, buried for burning
purposes or exposed to scavengers. be’ah is to cur-
tail and eventually close open dumpsites that cause
harm to the environment.
Engineered Landfills
An engineered landfill is an engineered pit, where
layers of solid waste are placed, compacted and
covered for final disposal. It is specifically designed
to lessen environmental pollution and health risks.
The bottom of the pit is lined with hard-packed clay
soil and/or plastic to prevent chemicals and germs
from contaminating groundwater, and to avoid
waste seepage. It has also a cover designed to pre-
vent insects from breeding. Some of its features
include a collection and treatment system, ground-
water monitoring and gas extraction equipment.
Transfer Stations
Transfer Stations act as hubs across the country
where waste is collected and sorted prior to fi-
nal disposal. These centers serve as staging areas
where waste can be collected and stacked before
being transferred onto bigger trucks to landfills.
These facilities offer waste segregation, sorting and
temporary storage areas for green, bulky, and other
types of waste. Transfer Stations are equipped with
weighbridges, prime movers and hook lifts to en-
sure smooth and quick operations.