Page 76 - Progress Report 3_oct\
P. 76


          In 2018, be’ah Academy was launched with the vi-    On  the other  hand, those programs  are  working
          sion of building the capacity of Omanis. The Acad-  closely with people to change behaviors in waste
          emy  is  focused  on  developing  and  implementing   management and disposal, inspiring all generations
          scientific, technical, and awareness programs.      who manifest environment care.

          DEVELOPMENT & CAPACITY BUILD-                       In  2018,  be’ah  community  outreach  programs
          ING OF OMANIS                                       reached  40,000  children  through  different  activ-

          be’ah strongly believes in the importance of devel-  ities  that were  conducted  either  in  schools  or  in
          oping the capacity of Omanis in the filed of sus-   public  events and more than 17,000 general  au-
          taibility and enviroment. Therefore, the academy is   dience through different on-ground activities and
          working on developing tailored scientific and tech-  campaigns.
          nical courses that are meant to train and develop

          experts in specific fields related to environmental
          As a first step, be’ah launched the Environmental

          Excellence Program that aims at building and de-
          veloping different set of skills for fresh graduates
          in fields related to environment. The program of-
          fers training and educational opportunities in the
          fields  of  awareness  activities,  events,  and  cam-

          piagns. The program extends its training to include
          content and material that supports the objectives
          of the awareness campaigns.


          be’ah deeply believes in reaching out to the larg-
          er community in order to build and contribute to

          the creation of waste management practices that
          are based on collaboration between all stakehold-
          ers  including  the  public.  In  addition,  be’ah  raises

          public  awareness  about  waste management  by
          reaching out to different communities across the
          Sultanate. be’ah is developing programs for behav-
          ioral change towards eco-friendly practices. These
          programs will institutionally provide endorsement

          through disseminating waste management knowl-
          edge to students in schools, colleges, universities,
          and more. The community outreach programs pro-

          mote the current trend for saving the environment.

          76 PROGRESS REPORT 2012-2018
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