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          A Glossary of Terms and Explanations which were Referenced in the Previous Chapters.

          Waste                                               Bulky Waste
          A material which does not have sufficient value to   Solid  waste  that  may  require  particular  handling
          retain.                                             and  management,  by  reason  of  its  bulk,  shape,

          Municipal Solid Waste (MSW)                         or weight that cannot be placed in a container or
          Waste generated from domestic activities such as    bundled.  This  waste  includes,  but  is  not  limited
          households, restaurants and hotels that are similar   to:    furniture,  mattresses  and  appliances  such  as
          in nature and composition.                          refrigerators
          Industrial Waste                                    Commercial and Business Waste
          Waste  generated  in  industrial  processes,  as  well   Solid  (non-hazardous)  waste  from  premises  that
          as the waste derived from, mining, oil & gas and    are used either wholly or predominantly for trade,
          water and electricity activities. In most cases it is   business,  sport,  tourism,  travelling,  recreation  or
          considered to be hazardous waste.                   entertainment.
          Hazardous Waste                                     Construction and Demolition (C&D) Waste
          Waste  arising  from  commercial,  industrial,      Solid  waste resulting from the alteration,
          agricultural or any other activities, which due to its   construction, destruction, rehabilitation, or repair
          nature, composition, quantity or any other reason   of any manmade physical structure including
          is hazardous or potentially toxic to  human health,   houses, buildings, industrial or commercial
          to plants or animals, to air, soil, water or any other   facilities, bridges, roads etc.
          components  could  cause  health  hazard  to  the
          public and to the working environment.              End of Life Tire (ELT)
                                                              Used  tire  that  cannot  or  is  not  reused  for  its
          Healthcare Waste                                    originally intended purpose and it is not retreated.
          Waste generated at health care facilities, such as   Such tires may have further use as a raw material
          hospitals, clinics, dental practices, blood banks and   for other processes.
          veterinary  premises,  as  well  as  medical  research
          facilities and laboratories. Generally, medical waste   End-of-Life-Vehicles (ELV)
          is healthcare waste that may be contaminated by     Motor vehicles which have reached the end of their
          blood,  body  fluids  or  other  potentially  infectious   useful  lives  and  are  considered  to  be  significant
          materials  posing  a  significant  risk  of  transmitting   part  of  waste  streams  to  be  managed  properly.
          infection.                                          ELV parts  and components  can  be  recycled  or
                                                              processed  to obtain  useful materials  for  various
          Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment           industrial applications.
          Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE) which has   Lead-Acid Battery (LAB)
          reached end of life (waste), including all components,   Type of battery that uses plates made of pure lead
          subassemblies and consumables which are part of     or lead oxide for electrodes and sulfuric acid for
          the product at the time of discarding.              the electrolyte to produce electrical current.

          Animal Waste                                        Green Waste
          Refers  to  livestock  manure,  unconsumed  feed    Solid biodegradable waste comprise of wood and
          associated  bedding  materials,  solid,  semisolid   excess plant material derived from the maintenance
          and  liquid  slaughterhouse  residues,  and  also  any   or  trimming  of  trees,  grass,  landscaped  areas  or
          animal that has died of natural cause, disease or by   areas    of  agricultural  production,  consisting  of
          accident in a public area or on a farm.             organic waste such  as branches, leaves and crop


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