Page 16 - Priorities #33 2006-April
P. 16

Cindy and Wayne: An Irreplaceable Pair
Cover Story: Love is the theme of Shakespeare’s “As You Like
It,” and what more love could Cindy and Wayne Davison show for the Priory community than their dedication to the school’s auctions? They have worked in a responsible capacity on every auction since 1993-4, and they have chaired five of them. They took the event from a too-small country club to the spacious Hotel Sofitel, and they cultivated volunteers and donors to fill those rooms with desirable items. The auction proceeds took a huge leap forward into the $300,000-plus level and have continued moving upward.
As if this weren’t enough, Cindy and Wayne are active volunteers in many other capacities. Wayne has been a Trustee, Board Chair, head of the Finance Committee, and head of the steering committee that studied the need for and launched
the Golden Jubilee Campaign. He even helped to launch the
orchestral string ensemble program, coaching the students himself in the Father Christopher Room. Cindy has chaired and served on numerous Parent Association committees and with her friend, Liz Cirino, made the Priory Christmas Tea a school tradition. Both have a gift for building a community in all senses of the word and (since love is the theme), working together is clearly their personal love story. One sees their names as co-chairs most of the time, and the stamp of their joint effort is seen in whatever each is doing.
This is the last auction they will chair, and they leave a well-organized production for the auction chairs who follow them. As beloved members of the community, however, they are irreplaceable.
Woodside Priory School 302 Portola Road Portola Valley, CA 94028 (650) 851-8221
fax (650) 851-2839
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