Page 21 - prim 4 كامل
P. 21

Delta Modern Language Schools
Maths Department
Prim 4        2023-2024

                Unit ( 3 ) Exercise on lesson 1

1) Complete :

 a) 60 dm = …………….. m
 b) 50 km = …………… dm
 c) 23 km . 55 m = ………… m
 d) 98 mm = …….cm , ……
 e) 8 km, 14m = ……….m

 2) Answer the following questions :

A car covers 2 km in one minute, what is the distance the car covers for 8
   minutes in kilometres and in meters ?

3) list from the smallest to the greatest
 3 km , 245 m , 3 001 m


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