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this risk he decided he would wait as  We never want to go back to the days
        Smokey  was  otherwise  healthy.    It  before testing and the heartache of
        was  only  when  he  developed  large  dogs like my Anni.
        numbers  of  bladder  stones  that
        the surgery became urgent.  Two vets  Some people are critical of the Cornell
        felt  unable  to  attempt  surgery  but  test  but  I  have  never  known  of  an
        thankfully  a  third  specialist  was  affected  dog  coming  from  two
        prepared  to  operate  and  removed  negative  parents.    Having  good
        two parathyroid tumours, the bladder  friends  around  the  world  who  are
        blockage and a liver mass.  After this  involved in breed clubs, gives a vast
        extensive  surgery  Smokey  is  now  channel of knowledge and nobody to
                                            date has heard of a case.
        currently doing well.
                                            We still hope for our own genetic test
                                            at  Cambridge  that  can  be  accessed
                                            by breeders worldwide. Sadly, despite
                                            genome  analysis,  the  answer  still
                                            eludes Barbara and the RKC Canine
                                            Genetics  Team.  We  can  only  hope
                                            that  the  answer  will  be  discovered
                                            soon  and  breeders  and  owners  can
                                            benefit from a new test.

                                            Thanks  must  go  to  Barbara  Skelly
                                            who has stayed with our small breed
                                            since Anni died in 2002 and not only
                                            continued with the research goal but
                                            has always been available to support
                                            owners  with  their  dog’s  condition,
                                            wherever in the world they live.
        Smokey in South Carolina.
                                            Earlier this year she submitted a
        Hearing  about  the  stones  took  me  bid  for  additional  funding  to
        right  back  to  the  beginning  of  my  support  the  project  and  this
        Anni’s story.                       has  been  granted,  giving  more
                                            funds to continue the vital work.
        Both owners have funded veterinary  Together  with  the  members  of  the
        bills in excess of $17,000 (Canadian  Royal  Kennel  Club  Canine  Genetics
        & US dollars) and are not insured.  Centre,  our  breed  is  in  very  good
        These  two  cases  reinforce  the  need  hands.
        to  have  either  a  paper  trail  or  the
        genetic test before breeding. If these  Let  us  all  hope  the  identification  of
        two examples have littermates then  the gene and supporting test is not
        some will also be positive for the gene  far into the future.
        and other owners will be facing the
        same worry and heartache.           (Both aforementioned current cases have been
                                            included in this report with full permission of
        We are seeing dogs coming into the  the owners.)
        UK with no apparent paper trail and
        being used in breeding programmes.
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