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appeared  in  the  Newsletter  of   In 1937 Am Ch Hertzog of Evenlode
        summer  1978.    In  it,  she  wrote,  “I  CD  went  Best  of  Breed  at  the  first
        hope the younger breeders of today  Keeshond Speciality show in Mineola.
        will in later years look back as I do  NY and his niece Am. Ch. Annie Van
        and say what fun it has been and how  Sandar went winners bitches
        glad I am that I chose a Kees and the
        most  delightful  and  charming  of  all  They  had  also  won  the  double  at
        dogs.”                              Westminster  NY,  and  Morris  and
                                            Essex shows.

                  =============             These shows had the largest entries
                                            ever known in America with the 1937
                                            Westminster show drawing an entry
                                            3,140 dogs.
        The American successes.

                                            Three generations of Ven.
                                            The three bitches are as follows:
        A first in breed history in the USA.  Ch. Vanderveer of Vorden, her daughter
        Won by Annie Van Sandar wh: 5-12-35  Tassle of  Ven & her daughter
                                            Ch. Vivandiere of Ven
        The engraving on the trophy reads:

        This cup represents breed history on
        both sides of the Atlantic.         Mollie and Jere Collins at Downton Manor.

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