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            The story of a great kennel - Part two.

                                   By Jane Saunders

                                            every   thinking   breeder,   when
                                            possible,   uses   him.   Eventually
                                            one finds all are closely related and
                                            therefore  a  distinct  outcross  is
                                            indicated.   Inquiries    overseas
                                            produced  the  fact  that  American
                                            champion Ruttkay Moerdaag, seemed
                                            to be the answer to our problems. He
                                            is therefore arriving from America on
                                            September  25th.  I  am  particularly
                                            pleased  to  say  that  his  pedigree
                                            contains  a  number  of  dogs  bred  by
                                            me  before  the  war  containing
                                            Evenlode  blood  and  also  offering  a
                                            strong outcross to breeders of today.”
                                            So, Bertie returned to the ‘land of his
                                            fathers’.  He  made  his  first  show
        Ch. Merry Christmas of Ven winning her  appearance  as  an  onlooker  at  the
        first CC under Joe Bradon at Chester 1960  Keeshond Club championship show of
                                            1964, apparently not in health after
        New Imports.                        his stay in quarantine, but well on the
                                            road to recovery.
        Despite all the successes, Mollie felt
        that  new  blood  would  benefit  the  Bertie  quickly  made  himself  useful
        breed so she set about importing a  and  the  summer  of  1964  saw
        young American Champion who had     Vanessa, Ch. Saskia, and Aunt Susan,
        been the youngest dog to go Best of  all with litters by him.
        Breed  at  the  Westminster  Show,
        (New York). He made history in the  One of his first show appearances was
        breed by becoming the first stud dog  at LKA that year when Miss Hastings
        to cross from America to Britain. In  gave him second in open and wrote
        his  native  America,  Mollie  Collins  the  following  critique.  “Rather  well
        wrote  of  him  in  1963:  “There  is  a  made.  Good  boned,  excellent  legs
        saying, the strength of a breed is in  and  feet.  I  liked  his  carriage  with
        its stud dogs. But the strength of the  head  well  up  standing  and  showing
        kennel  is  in  its  brood  bitches.  And  very  well.  Coat  profuse  but  rather
        that has been our good luck in having  rusty.  When  the  real  show  forms
        Miss  Hastings’  famous  champion   should go long way because he has
        Big  Bang  of  Evenlode  as  our    that ‘presence’ which is necessary in
        outstanding  post-war  sire.  When  a  champions.”
        dog  proves  to  be  such  a  force  for  Moerdaag never made his English title
        good and sires such lovely puppies,  but  as  a  sire  he  made  his  mark  on
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