Page 8 - Autumn 2024 Newsletter Online_Neat
P. 8

“She   met   John   at   a   Young  in the car to keep them entertained
        Conservatives   dance   and   they  one  country  music  and  one  Abba,
        married  in  1960  when  Pam  was  20  which would be played over and over
        years old.  John was a newly qualified  again.”
        Veterinary  Surgeon.  It’s  hard  for
        younger  generations  to  understand  The dogs….
        just what an achievement it was for  Pam and John had previously owned
        a working-class boy to achieve that  boxers but when she decided to look
        qualification. I can imagine that Pam  for another breed her careful research
        understood the drive and hard work  led her to the Keeshond.
        that took and greatly admired it.
                                            Pam’s breeding line started with the
        “Pam  and  John  moved  to  a  rural  purchase  of  Rhinevale  Roitelet  in
        location in Hampshire for John’s first  September 1973. She reflected that
        job  in  a  veterinary  practice.  Pam’s  she loved the Ven dogs of Mrs Collins
        family thought that a city girl would  but there were no puppies available.
        never  survive  out  of  town  but  Pam  She found her foundation bitch from
        threw  herself  into  married  life  with
                                            Mrs  Emerson’s  Rhinevale  kennel,
        her  usual  drive  and  determination.  born  in  September  1973  and  a
        Later they moved to Horsham in West  daughter of the famous Ch Ledwell
        Sussex where John joined Farthings  Dutchman.  In Pam’s words she was
        veterinary practice where he in time  ‘a good sound bitch but with not a lot
        became a partner and leader of a very  of  glamour.    She  won  her  way  into
        successful business and service to the  the stud book but nothing desperately
        community.”  It  was  here  that  they  spectacular’.
        adopted  Gavin  and  Miriam  and
        started family life.                                  Roitelet was
                                                              mated to
        “Pam and John’s marriage was a                        Ch Surprise of
        true partnership, she supported                       Ven,  giving  Pam
        John   in   his   work   as   a                       her  first  home
        veterinarian,  and  he  supported                     bred Keeshond
        her in her career in dog showing                      litter.  The  two
        and  breeding.    And  family  life                   made a good line
        with Gavin and Miriam was also                        breeding  match
        very  much  all  in  it  together.                    and  she  had  her
        Miriam  remembers  that  family                       Ven  input  as  she
        holidays were structured around                       loved  Surprise’s
        shows around the country. They                        puppies. She kept
        would  hitch  the  caravan  to  the                   G  Wolverine  and
        car and tour the country, fitting                     did  some  nice
        in holiday time between the dog
                                                              winning,  gaining
        shows on the route.
                                            her crown in 1978. A repeat mating
                                            produced the beautiful G Verbena and
        Miriam  also  remembers  fondly  the
        times when John was unavailable and  G Vervet.
        she was promoted to first assistant.  Pam  bred  several  litters  doing  well
        Pam and Miriam would drive around
                                            with various bitches and some dogs.
        the country with only two cassettes
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