Page 11 - Autumn 2024 Newsletter Online_Neat
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get photos of my four Kees with the
castle as a backdrop. The best photos
of the girls did not have the best
background but Pam sorted that, our
secret she said smiling. Pam’s tech
skills in photography and Photoshop
were impressive.
She also ran the Club shop for many
years, researching and obtaining new
stock that was eagerly bought by
members. She had an eye for finding
quality objects and encouraging
members to buy them.
Pam with some of her young dogs
by Dalton Another project was puppy packs for
litters which she shared at no cost
Pam was also a championship judge
of more than one breed. With her with those who requested them. Pale
grey folders tied with pink ribbon, her
own breed she could be trusted to
judge the dog and was popular for favourite colour.
that. She also judged in several The Club Newsletter and Dog World
European countries and many Breed Notes were also her
breeders both in Scandinavia, and responsibility for many years. When
Australia strengthened their kennels she gave up the newsletter, I was
with Gavimir imports.
honoured to take responsibility for it
Her Eulogy described her as one who until the role was reallocated to a
“never dwelled on the past, very committee member. Her dry wit was
much focused on the next project, well used in her writings and I
industrious, determined and driven.” remember her amusement if the
‘She always managed to dust herself message between the lines was
down and start again if things didn’t understood! It was certainly a case
work out; she had a huge amount of of ‘the pen is mightier than the sword’.
will power!!” This was certainly Her last committee responsibility was
reflected in her commitment to the to be our chairperson and when the
breed and the Keeshond Club. role was reallocated, she was given
life membership, an honour she had
I served on the committee with her certainly earned.
for many years and she was always
taking on one or more roles to More than all these achievements,
support the Club. Pam was a very supportive person
for so many people in the world. I
In the 1990’s she started the Club certainly appreciated the support she
calendar and worked hard to get gave me through difficult times.
photos for the annual competition at “In her later years Pam did not slow
the Club championship show. I was down but devoted herself to
honoured to be voted the front cover contributing to enjoying the U3A in
on several occasions. In 1999 I was many activities and social events as
dispatched to Sherbourne Castle to well as working with John with the