Page 14 - Autumn 2024 Newsletter Online_Neat
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spontaneous mutation? An error in owners involved is heartbreaking. I
the test? Or human error in reporting know only too well the roller coaster
and issuing the certificate ten years of emotion dealing with this disease.
ago? We are so fortunate in the UK to have
several experienced soft tissue
The sire was immediately tested and surgeons, who have experience of
was also found to be positive. For the this surgery and aftercare, many
ethical breeders in Europe caught up countries in Europe do not.
in this nightmare it is not only the
concern for the progeny of their dog The past few weeks have been ones
but also the health and treatment of multiple phone calls and emails
their dog now needs for PHPT. between several countries to build a
database of animals to get cheek
Other breeders immediately swabs from. I have acted as the
submitted samples but Cornell research data assistant and am
returned them saying the test was indebted to the friends in Europe who
suspended, I wonder why?
have done so much to ensure every
Numerous emails to Cornell, possible affected dog has a cheek
escalating to more senior staff has swab. Bryan Mclaughlin has posted
revealed nothing except the packs to several European countries
information that they are reviewing and the one in Canada. One
the test. unexpected result of Brexit is that the
national post of one of the recipients
After several attempts on behalf slapped VAT on the package as it was
of the European friends I finally from outside the EU.
managed to get a response from
the professor, Executive Director Out of this unexpected horror has
and Associate Dean for Diagnostic come a large batch of over 80
Operations and Government samples of close family members to
Relations. He confirmed that “the boost the research at the Canine
Animal Health Diagnostic Centre is Genetics Centre at Cambridge. The
reviewing and updating the processes team, headed by Cathryn Mellersh,
for testing samples for a gene insert and Barbara Skelly is getting
that may be linked to PHPT in additional expert support from
Keeshonds.” He assured that the Professor Claire Wade at the
University of Sydney. Claire is a
team were diligently working to
complete the work in the near future. professor in genetics and has
There has always been a concern that previously worked on PHPT with Dr
Richard Goldstein failed to present a Richard Goldstein. We certainly have
peer reviewed paper on his findings, three awesome experts on our case.
and how the test was reached. This The CGC centre now relies solely on
is exactly why the team at Cambridge donations and specific funding grants
have continued to work towards a and is no longer associated with the
new robust test for the whole Kennel Club. Both our breed clubs,
Keeshond community worldwide and many individuals in the breed
have donated to their target. As a
This could happen to anyone and the breed we are so fortunate to have
devastation for the breeders and their support.