Page 17 - Autumn 2024 Newsletter Online_Neat
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and curtains shut to keep the flashes
out. We can turn the radio over to
classic FM who usually play dog
friendly music on these nights. We
can also turn this up louder to drown
out the noise. There are also many
natural anti-anxiety treatments
available such as Dorwest Skullcap
and Valerian, Adaptil and Zylkiene.
These can be given to help calm you
dog. If these do not work please
speak to your vet as there are other
options that are available to you.
A major upside to autumn are
This lovely time of year also has pumpkins, not only do these look
bonfire night and New Year’s Eve great carved out and we can make
where a lot of people will set off amazing pumpkin soup but the
fireworks. Although these can be pumpkin is also beneficial to our dogs.
beautiful to look at they can cause It can be added in to their diet to
high levels of anxiety in some dogs. increase fibre should your dog be
Many of our dogs have a noise phobia afflicted by anal glands but it is also
and will suffer at this time. There are very useful to have a frozen stock of
many things we can do to help our it in case of a bout of diarrhoea, it
dogs through this. Ideally, we want helps to bind them.
to walk them early so that when the
fireworks start our dogs are safe
inside as the biggest cause of dogs
going missing at this time is because
they bolt when a firework is let off.
Enjoy this lovely time with your dogs
but keep an eye out for the risks your
Other things we can do is to create a dog may encounter.
quiet safe spot that they can settle
in, make sure our windows are closed