Page 22 - CSIR-IGIB Annual Report 2020-21
P. 22

HIF  signaling  in  cardiovascular  disease       markers will be studied in  this model  with
                pathology                                         cytokines such as TNFα and IL-1β to mimic the
                                                                  inflammatory milieu.
                Hypoxia inducible factor (HIF)  triggers an
                evolutionarily conserved response, termed the     Machine  learning  in  advancing  precision
                unfolded protein response (UPR). UPR aims to      medicine
                establish homeostasis by inducing  the            The potential of machine learning in advancing
                expression of genes that  enhance  the protein    precision medicine is immense. For developing
                folding capacity of cells. However, in the event   the  methodology, we specifically targeted
                of prolonged hypoxia  exposure or genetic         statins that are a widely used drug class in the
                susceptibilities, the same cells play a key       prevention of  cardiovascular diseases.  In
                pathogenic role. Oxygen deficient environments    addition, large amounts of data are available in
                contribute  to inflammation  resulting in varied   the context of  the gene polymorphisms  that
                life-threatening  vascular disease conditions     affect     statin     metabolism.      The
                such as  thrombosis. Hypoxia has also been        pharmacogenetics related genes that have
                associated with enhanced platelet reactivity in   shown their effect on the statin response were
                thrombosis. Thus, the relationship between HIF,   retrieved from  the various sources  to train a
                UPR and inflammatory pathways is  critical  in    tool named  Tanagra. It  is  adopted  to make
                hypoxia-induced thrombosis.                       predictions  based on the pharmacogenetics
                The activation of NLRP3 inflammasome complex      analysis of the general population of patients
                along with pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-1β        taking statins.  A dataset with a  total of 249
                takes place  in response  to hypoxia during       instances  and  5 attributes  (Drug,  Gene,  SNP,
                thrombosis. UPR intersects with many different    Genotype, and Drug  Response) were divided
                inflammatory and stress  signaling  pathways.     into two sets, training set (66%) and testing set
                The  preliminary investigation in our  in vitro   (34%). The attributes were ranked according to
                thrombin-induced thrombosis model indicates a     their test-value that indicated the importance of
                role of Activating Transcription Factor 4 (ATF4).   the difference between the groups. The
                ATF4 is selectively up-regulated under hypoxic    Decision tree C4.5 and Support Vector Machine
                conditions in a PERK-dependent manner. The        (SVM) algorithms were compared using the ROC
                initial  experiments    demonstrate     the       curve that demonstrated the classifier SVM as a
                upregulation of  the  transcription factor  CHOP   better  model.  The outcome of the  tool
                and  the E3 ubiquitin  ligase,  SIAH2. CHOP is    demonstrated that  the variability in the
                involved in ER stress-induced cytokine            response to statin is majorly due to the genetic
                production  in macrophages while SIAH2            factors. This study could be used as a prototype
                regulates Prolyl Hydroxylase 3 (PHD3) under low   of developing a  comprehensive tool that
                oxygen   concentration,  thereby   allowing       physicians can use and take into account every
                accumulation of HIF-1α. In depth investigation    patient’s genetic signature associated with
                will give specific ER stress markers and  UPR     individual pharmacokinetics of any  drug and
                profiles helpful in understanding  thrombosis     based  on that  an  individualized  treatment
                disease etiology.  In the future  we  will be     regimen benefitting the patients of their time,
                studying the effects of UPR  markers on           health and resources can be devised.  We are
                inflammatory responses in  hypoxia-induced        further  trying  to  refine  the  idea  with  more
                thrombosis using thapsigargin as an inducer of    datasets and other tools such as Weka, Orange,
                ER stress. Similarly, the  effects of an          and MILB that can be used for  making
                inflammatory microenvironment on UPR              personalized  drug response predictions based
                                                                  on the genomics information of an individual.

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