Page 22 - Know your genome_English
P. 22

Hemophilia:  the  royal  disease                                       Victoria,
                                                                              Queen of England


             Royal descendants          Royal descendants of          Royal descendants
            of England                  Prussia                       of Russia,                                Royal descendants of Spain
                                                                      executed during the
                                                                      Russian revolution
      In the  summer of   1818, the future Queen Victoria ot     England  was born. Her   genome had  a  mutation for      hemophilia,
                                                                                                                                        carried on
      theX chromosome. Victoria        passed  the  gene  on to some of her children and   grandchildren, including many royal families of
      Europe.  In 1904, the   long awaited Tsarevich, Grand  Duke of     Russia- Alexis  Nicolaievich was    born.  From his mother, he

      inherited an X chromosome
                                      carrying  copy   of the mutant   gene  for  hemophilia.  Will he suffer from the    diseasel?
      Here is  a  partof the familytree of the royal   families of  Europe.   A  square  refers to  a  male  member and a circle refers to  a female

      member.  Filled   squares  mean that this male member sufered from
                                                                                 hemophilia.  Many of the female members, shown with half
      filled circles,  were  carriers  of the  disease,  bearing  the mutation in  one  copy of the gene  but not in the other.   Why  do male

      members suffer from the disease whereas females even when
                                                                         they carry  one  copy  of the   mutation survive and   pass  on the
      mutant gene to their sons?

                                            gene  on a   peculiarchromosome, called the X     chromosome.
      Here is a  clue: the mutation is  in a
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