Page 25 - Know your genome_English
P. 25

Die sebtles down wibh her book.                     Huntington's  disease  patients  usually  look  very

                                                                                                    thin and  show abnormal  movements of  hands as

                                                                                                    if they are dancing.  The disease  is  Caused  by the

                                                                                                    expansion  of a   repeat of three  letters  in the DNA-

                                                                                                    CAG.  When  the CAG       repeat   becomes  very long

                                                                                                    it  results  in  gumming  up of proteins in  brain cells

                                                                                                   and   eventually   some  cells  die.  The  brains  of
                                                                                                    patients  suffering  from  this  disease  show  large

                                                                                                   areas of damaged tissu...

                              U                                                                         GENE HUNTER

                                                                                                             NANCY WEXLER

         Nancy   Wexler saw her mother and  uncles suffer from        Huntington's    disease. She

         wondered   if she  a lso had the mutation for the disease in her   genome

         She  raced against time,  to find the disease  mutation  before the disease  would

        affect her.  She organized  researchers' efforts to find  the gene and  worked  with
                                                                                                                      by Alle Gima
         patients in Venezuela  where the disease was very common. The discovery of the

         mutation also  led  to a test that helps  people at risk,  check  if they will  get the

        disease or  not,  early  on, before  they  start  suffering.
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