Page 6 - Data Managment __ Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme(IDSP)
P. 6
10/1/2020 Data Managment :: Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme(IDSP)
In the restructured and extended IDSP beyond March 2010, there were
critical revisions to the Project outcome and component indicators.
Agreement was made to revise the Results Framework Document with a view
to reducing the number of original indicators focusing on critical expected
outcomes of the project. The old key indicators used up to March 2010 and
revised indicators used beyond March 2010 are Annexed 4. With regards to
data management, a new indicator was introduced in the revised Results
Framework Document: “% of districts providing surveillance reports timely
and consistently i.e. within one week after the last date of every reporting
week for at least 40 weeks (80% of week at any given time) each year and
should have desegregated collated forms of P {i. PHCs, ii. Other Govt.
Hospitals and iii. Private hospitals separately}, L (PHC labs, district Public
Health lab and referral laboratories) and S reporting units”
Overall the percentage of districts providing surveillance reports timely and
consistently has improved over last two years. The State wise timely and
consistently reporting status for P and L forms is shown in graphs below.
Year-wise cases of selected few diseases based on P-form through Portal
during 2009-13 under IDSP (as on Dec. 2013)
Note: The figures indicated are provisional and subject to change. The State
wise and year wise details of the above disease conditions is at Annexure 5. 3/3