Page 106 - GM E-Booklet Dec-2022
P. 106
Head Wise Revenue:
(Revenue in Crores)
April- Nov % Variation over
Service Target
Head 2019-20 2021-22 2022-23 2019-20 2022-23 2019-
2021-22 Target 2022-23 TGT LY 20
Passenger 305.92 219.40 330.76 213.67 126.47 219.68 257.04 17.01 103.24 20.30
Other 17.08 25.08 31.15 11.04 17.09 21.29 15.67 -26.41 -8.34 41.98
Goods 123.02 230.65 272.71 73.03 124.12 162.67 165.28 1.60 33.16
Sundries 18.71 11.8 32.02 11.69 5.25 18.26 10.95 -40.06 108.52 -6.36
Total 464.73 486.94 666.64 309.41 272.93 421.90 448.93 6.41 64.49 45.09
No. Of Pass 42.09 12.65 38.130 29.36 6.45 24.95 17.26 -30.83 167.48 -
(in Millions) 41.21
I. Overall Revenue: Division has achieved Rs.448.93Crores as against Rs 272.93 Crores in
the corresponding period of last year, more by 64.49% and when compared to
proportionate target of 421.90 Crores, more by 6.41%
II. Passengers and Revenue:
Passengers: The total number of passengers were 17.26 millions as against 6.45
millions during 2021-22, more by 167.48% and when compared to proportionate
target of 24.95 millions, less by 30.83%
Revenue: The total passenger revenue is Rs. 257.04 Crores as against Rs. 126.47
Crores in the corresponding period of last year, more by 103.24% and when
compared to proportionate target of Rs. 219.68 crores, more by 17.01%