Page 111 - GM E-Booklet Dec-2022
P. 111

1.  Introduction:

               DLS/MLY  is  holding  79  ALCO  Locomotives  out  of  which  56  locos  are  working  in
               passenger /express links. In addition to the locos, the shed is homing 29 DEMU Units (29
               Power  Cars  and  115  TCs)  meeting  the  demand  of  passenger  traffic.  The  shed  also
               maintains  03  SPART/SPMRVs,  SPIC-01  and  01-140T  BD  crane  of  SC  division.  Shed
               performs  the  Coaching  maintenance of  DEMU Coaches along  with  Propulsion  System
               and Train Lighting.

           2.  Achievements & Certifications: Six Sigma, IMS, EnMS-50001, 5S, Green-Co
                 Diesel Loco Shed, Moula-Ali is the first shed to achieve IMS certification on 24-02-2022
                  for second time.
                 DLS/MLY achieved Green-Co GOLD rating on 24-03-2022 for the second time.
                 DLS/MLY  became  the  FIRST  shed  in  SCR to  achieve  Lean  six  sigma  certification. A
                  team of 20 engineers worked on eight projects on the system of Diesel locomotives and
                  DEMUs and have achieved “Green and Black belts” on 26-03-2021.
                 Telangana State Pollution Control Board awarded CFO for ten years:
                  Shed has been awarded the “CONSENT FOR OPERATION from TSPCB for a period of
                  10 years from 01-10-2021 up to 30-09-2031”.

                                     Present status of certification at DLS/MLY
                  S.No.  Certification       Achieved      Valid up to         Present status
                  1.      IMS      (QMS,  24-02-             23-02-               Achieved
                          EMS & OHMS)  2022                   2025
                  2.      Green        Co  24-03-            23-03-               Achieved
                          “Gold”             2022             2025
                  3.      Lean         Six  26-03-              --                One-time
                          Sigma              2021
                  4.      5S Certification               LOA Awarded on 23-11-2022
                  5.      EnMS 50001            LOA Awarded and work started in Nov 2022

           3.  Organisation:

                The shed is headed by Sr.DME assisted by the following Officers, ECS/MLY is also under
                administrative control of Sr.DME
                Sl.No.                   Name S.Sri.                            Designation
                1.        A. Swaraj Kumar                                Sr.DME/DSL
                2.       C.R. Krishna Reddy                              ADME(M)/DSL
                3.       V R Raju                                        ADME(E)/DSL
                4.       M.V. Ramana                                     AMM
                5.       S Murali                                        ADME/ECS/MLY
                *The shed is also provided with Stores Depot with 721 stocked items.

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