Page 125 - GM E-Booklet Dec-2022
P. 125

Energy Conservation Action Plan Targets by HQ for the year 2022-23

                                                                                  Target for  Achieved
             S.No.                        Item Description                         the year     Upto
                                                                                  2022-23      Nov-22
                                                                                               KMC &
                1    Provision of sanctioned Lifts                                    2         KCG
                     Bifurcation  of  fans  in  2/3  circuits  at  stations  to  ensure
                2    switching  off  fans  in  non-seated  areas  during  non-train   10         10
                3    Provision of timers for Lighting & Fan circuits on Platforms    10          10

                4    Reassessing the contractual demand (CD) at actual                1           1

                     Solar  based  street  lights  for  a)  Colonies  b)  Training
                5                                                                    20          15
                     Institutes etc.
                6    Automation of Pumps                                             10          10
                7    Rewiring of Staff quarters                                      30          20
                     Use  of  occupancy  sensors  for  light  control  in  Officers
                8    chambers,  Conference  rooms,  Waiting  Halls,  concourse       25          25
                     area, SSE/JE's offices etc.
                     Inverters  AC's  in  place  of  non-star  rated  AC's  excluding
                9                                                                    100         100
                     EESL quantity
                     BLDC  Ceiling  fans  in  place  of  non-star  rated  ceiling  fans
               10                                                                    500         536
                     excluding EESL quantity

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