Page 120 - GM E-Booklet Dec-2022
P. 120
a. DLS/MLY is facing acute shortage of manpower. The man power required has increased
due to coaching maintenance of DEMU at DLS/MLY. The present MPR of DLS MLY for
loco maintenance is 3.06 as against RB yardstick of 6.2 and MPR for DEMU maintenance
is 3.05 i.e., about 100 men available as against RB yardstick requirement of 351 men as
per the present holding. FA&CAO/SC has communicated concurrence for 113 posts as
against creation of additional 215 posts and further GM/SCR has sanctioned for 40 Posts.
Request to use your good office for sanction of balance concurred 73 posts.
b. The present holding of DLS/MLY has increased to 79 Alco locos and 34 units of DEMU
and special units and proposal for creation of additional posts as per present holding is
with personnel branch. Request to use your good office for according approval of the