Page 117 - GM E-Booklet Dec-2022
P. 117

iii.   राजभाषा कायाान्वयन उपसममति की बैठक

                         दि.21-09-2022 को डीजऱ ऱोको शेड, मौऱाऱी में दहिंिी राजभाषा कायाान्वयन उपसममति
                         की बैठक, हिराबाि दहिंिी ववभाग द्वारा आयोजजि ककया गया ह। इस बैठक में डीजऱ
                         ऱोको  शेड,  मौऱाऱी  क े  सभी  अधिकारर,  पयावेऺक  और  मऱवपकवगीय  कमाचारी  ने  भाग

           13. Expenditure Control measures

                   Replacement of Overdue Turbosuperchargers in service

                    Shed  was  having  about  23  no‟s  of  M/s  ABB  make  TPR-61  turbos  falling  due  for
                    overhauling in the year 2022-23. Railways resort to entering into a contract with M/s
                    ABB to overhaul these turbos for a price of INR 10.73 lakhs each, needing around
                    INR  2.46  Cr.  Shed  reached  out  other  depots  over  IR  and  has  sourced  10  turbo
                    chargers (saving INR 1.07 Cr)

                   Overhauling of GE-SD Turbo superchargers

                    In a first of its kind measure, shed has started to overhaul the M/s GE make Single
                    Discharge turbochargers at DLS/GTL by sending shed staff under the guidance of
                    DLS/GTL team and clearing the overdue turbo chargers. This has also resulted in
                    savings  of  about  INR  20  lakhs  as  the  shed  is  utilizing  the  dynamic  balancing
                    machine of DLS/GTL instead of procuring a new one at DLS/MLY.

                   Materials received from other depots

                    Shed  has  sourced  materials  to  the  tune  of  INR  6.01  Cr  since  April  2022  from
                    different Railways catering to the immediate and urgent needs of various sections on
                    the shopfloor and also saving this additional expenditure on railways.

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