Page 119 - GM E-Booklet Dec-2022
P. 119

14. Greenery improvement measures

                  Swachhta Pledge at DLS/MLY

           As part of Swatchhta Pakhwara, a pledge for “initiating the quest for cleanliness and devoting
           100 hours towards cleanliness” was administered by all officers, supervisors and shed staff
           on date 16-09-2022 and all the shed staff have participated and cleaned the shed premises
           at DLS/MLY


                     Augmentation of DEMU Facilities:
                      Augmentation of MEMU/DEMU Car shed for holding 16 MEMU/DEMU
                      rakes at DLS/MLY.

                      Pink Book No.637 of 2022-23, PH:4200

         sanction    Detailed
          cost in    Estimate                                    Present status.
                      d Cost
            9.61       12.83       Civil works:
          Crores      Crores      Construction of OHE/TRD/SC material shed, approaching road with RPF post
                                   has been completed.
                                  Stabling line & cross over track completed.
                                  Shunting neck line works completed.
                                  Construction of Admin Building & construction of pit line under Progress & is
                                   under final stage.
                                   Electrical works:
                                  Lighting to OHE/TRD/SC Material shed, RPF Post and Shed approaching road
                                   are completed.
                                  Lighting to Admin Building and DEMU pit line is under progress.
                                  2 No.s of 10 KVA Solar plant to be installed in new Admin building.
                                   Mechanical works (M&P items)
                                  Welding plants Qty:2 Nos received & commissioned on 18-10-2021
                                  NS  Indent for  Procurement  of  Air  Compressors Qty:02  Nos,  PO  released  on
                                   Colt Equipment, Haryana. Material expected in the month of January 2023.
                                  Funds certification for procurement of Office furniture has been obtained. SPC
                                   has  been  nominated  and  NS  indents  have  been  prepared  and  submitted  to
                                   Sr.DFM/HYB for vetting.
                                   Shifting of the work S&T exchange to the existing admin building is completed
                                   and other works i.e., PA system and LAN works to be started in Admin building.

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