Page 140 - GM E-Booklet Dec-2022
P. 140

3. Track machine utilisation:

                                                                                   Progress up to
                        Sl No        Type of Machine          Target 2022-23
                          1       Tie Tamping Machine            1850 Km               1020 Km
                          2       Unimat                          800 Pts               520 Pts

               4. Level crossing works

                                   2020-21                  2021-22                      2022-23
                  Type of
               Elimination    Boards    Progress     Boards       Progress       Boards       Cumulative
                               target                 target                     Target        Progress

                   RUB           10         14           9            16            10              8
                   ROB            -          -           -             1             -              -
                                 10         14           9            17            10              8

               5. Relaxation of Permanent Speed Restrictions.

               Target for 2022-23 = 06 Nos
               Progress up to the month = 03 Nos

                                                       Length                          Existing
               Block Section/      From
        SN                                   To Km   of PSR        Reason of PSR         Speed         Remarks
                Station Yard        Km
                                                        (Km)                            (kmph)
                                                                Contraflexure points                PSR relaxed to
         1         JCL YD         95/800     95/900      0.10                              75
                                                                   on point No 7B                       normal
                                                                                                    Relaxed to 95
                                                                  3 Degree curves
         2    BABR-GLY (DN)        83/13      85/31      2.50                              70         Kmph w.e.f
                                                                   3 & 2.3 Degree                   Relaxed to 95
         3    BABR-GLY (DN)        73/32      75/24                reverse curves          70         Kmph w.e.f

                                                                   36DN & 37 DN                        02.11.22

               6. RAIL / WELD FAILURES

               Year wise comparison

                                        Year                   RAIL               WELD
                                       2020-21                   0                  11
                                       2021-22                   1                  05
                                 2022-23 (Nov‟22)                0                   3

   135   136   137   138   139   140   141   142   143   144   145