Page 143 - GM E-Booklet Dec-2022
P. 143


                       The EMU Car Shed/ Moula-Ali was established as a part of MMTS Project as per
                   memorandum of understanding signed  between Ministry of Railways and the then
                   State Government of Andhra Pradesh. Creation of maintenance facilities for Electric
                   Multiple Units has been under taken at MLY car shed and started operations from
                   9  August 2003. It is entrusted to carry out  inspection schedule maintenance i.e.,
                   Night/  Brake  inspection,  Trip,  IA  &  IC,  9   Monthly.  It  is  also  carrying  out  POH  of
                   complete traction electrics and few sensitive pneumatic equipments of EMU/MEMU

                       86 MMTS services (EMU) (12- Car) are being run in the twin cities of Hyderabad
                   &  Secunderabad  over  SC-HYB,  HYB-LPI,  LPI-FM,  FM-HYB  routes.  49  MEMU
                   services  between       SC-CT-WL-KZJ,  KCG-MRGA-BZA-GNT-MTM-NDKD-GDV-
                   MCLA-TEL-RAL-GDR-MRK,    MBNR-KCG-NDKD    sections  (12-  Car)    &  SC-UR-
                   BMO-MED (08- car)

               Infrastructure available:

               1.Inspection Shed:- 03 pit lines and 04 catwalk arrangement with an overall length of
                  288.10mts. to undertake Trip/IA/IC schedules of EMU & MEMU Rakes of 12- Car.

               2. POH/ Heavy Repair Shed:- 03 repair bays (HL, ML & LL) with an overall size of 150
               x 48 mts to undertake Heavy repair / POH schedule (Electrics,some pneumatics) and
               other major unscheduled attentions.

               3.Washing Lines:- 02 washing lines with catwalk arrangement for washing of  EMU &
                   MEMU rakes of 9 car rake formation. Extension to 12- Car rake is under process.

               4.Stabling Lines:- 03 stabling lines are available to stable EMU/MEMU rakes of 16 car
                   length. These lines are used to stable any empty/spare rake .

               5.  Pit wheel  lathe:- 01  No of  conventional type  Pit  wheel lathe  of  M/s  HYT make  is
               available any irregularity in  wheel Dia or profile will be rectified in the pit wheel lathe

               6.Armature Turning Lathe:- 01 No conventional type Armature Turning lathe of M/s
               HYT make is available for traction motors armature turnings etc

               7.Oil filtration plant: 01 No oil filtration plant of M/s CEE DEE Make is available for
               filtration of transformer oil of EMU/MEMU coaches.

               8. AMM Stores depot:-Stores depot available for procurement and storage of Stock
                   (Regular consumables) / Non-stock items.

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