Page 146 - GM E-Booklet Dec-2022
P. 146


               Parameters                       Month                             Cumulative
                                                       Variation                                   Variation
                                      NOVEMBER                          Up to NOVEMBER
                                                          in %                                        In %
                                     2021     2022                  2021-22        2022-23

                          Statistical Ineffective % age                        Target   Actual
                           MC         8.02    5.59       30.29        5.07      4.50      3.35       33.92

                           TC          5.42    1.80      66.78        4.38      3.00      2.59       40.86
               MEMU        MC          4.09    5.42      32.51        4.09      5.00      3.54       13.44

                           TC          2.06   2.22       -7.76        1.91      3.00      1.66       13.08

               Punctuality loss         0        1          -          1          3         1           -

               POH         EMU         4+5     1+2          -        18+41     21+46     11+34     (U/POH)
               (MC                                                                                    2+0
               +TC)        MEMU        0+3     1+4          -        4+13      14+36      8+20

                       (+) – Improvement,  (-) --  Deterioration

             Implementation of HQ Action plan items 2022-2023

             Sl.  Action plan item              HQrs   Target /  Progress            Remarks
             No                                 Ceiling
             1    Scrap Targets                  Fe: 33.5 MT &  Fe: 20.135 MT  Will be achieved by FY
                                                  Non-Fe: 2.5        & Non-Fe:       end 2022-23
                                                       MT             2.085 MT
             2    Provision &                          01                 0          GAD to be submitted by
                  Commissioning of ACWP                                              the Firm
             3    Provision of Emergency talk     59 Coaches             .0          PO Released on
                  back system in ladies coaches                                      07.12.2022
                  of EMU rakes
             4    Development of software for     Digitalization    Digitalization   Work completed
                  automation of Job Cards,                              done
                  digitalization of maintenance
                  related data management
             5    Provision of 4Kg safety valve in   80 Coaches     80 Coaches       Work completed
                  EP unit in conv. EMUs

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