Page 217 - GM E-Booklet Dec-2022
P. 217

The following staff were held responsible:

                 I) Primary:

                 1. Sri M.Ram Prasad Goud, SSE/P.Way/UMRI (In-charge) : Withholding of increment for
                     02yrs issued on 28.01.22.

                 II)  Secondary: NIL.

                 iii) Blame worthy:

                 1.  Smt.Asma  Sulthana, Dy.SS/NZB  :  with  holding  of  one  set of  pass  &  PTO for current
                     year 2022.
                 2.  Sri M. Ranjith kumar, SCOR/HYB Divi. - Recorded warning letter issued on 07.06.22.
                 3.  Smt. Y. Jyothsna, Sr. Goods Guard/SNF - Issued “CENSURE” on 08.02.2022.

                   System Improvement:
                 The yards having level difference between main line and loop line are identified
                    and are planned for attention.
                 Conducted safety drive regarding “Attention of Points & Crossings on curves including
                     cross overs” from 17.11.2021 to 26.11.2021.  Total 16 such loop lines identified on the
                   division and the same are being attended)

               3.  On 15.11.21 at about 23 hrs., while admitting DN DEMU empty rake on common loop line
                   at CVB station, 4  coach No. 15558 rear trolley and 5   coach No.15561 both trolleys
                   from train engine are derailed.
                     (Cause: Combination effects of steep changes of cant and the restrictions of
                     negotiations in curve (Cross over in three degree curve).

                    The following staff were held responsible:

                 I) Primary:

                 1. Sri J.R. Srinivasulu, SSE/P.Way/MED : Withholding of increment for 02yrs issued
                      on 28.01.22.
                 II)  Secondary:

                 1.  Sri K Lachi Babu, SSE/DEMU Bogie maintenance/LGDS: Withholding of one set of
                     privilege pass for the current year 2022 issued on 23.02.22.
                 iv) Blame worthy:

                 1.  Sri. M. Bhaskar, GLP/KCG: Warning letter issued on 19.01.22.

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