Page 218 - GM E-Booklet Dec-2022
P. 218
System Improvement:
The yards having crossovers on curves have been identified and are being attended duly
providing proper super elevation (SE) as per the points in contra flexure. (STPD, UR,
JKM, CVB yards attended).
Safety drive launched on DLS/MLY regarding “proper maintenance of centre pivot & Side
bearers in bogie in POH & IOH”.
b) Consequential Train Accidents and SPAD during the current year 2021-22: NIL.
Gate open cases have been reduced to Zero with constant counseling of gatemen
and station masters.
Gate Open cases on face of approaching trains
2021-22 2022-23
Nil Nil
The following measures taken to prevent the gate open cases:
1. Video films showing consequences of Gate open condition, to educate gate man
circulated to all Gatemen and also uploaded in the “You Tube”.
Link: -
2. Safety seminars conducted at different places to counsel gatemen and Station masters.
Video film shown during Seminars & counselling sessions.
9. Safety Seminars: Total 10 Safety Seminars were conducted in the division during the
Current year on different subjects like “Precautions to be observed while working under
OHE territory”, Rolling in and out examination” and “securing and stabling of locomotives
and load”, “Prevention of Fire in trains and Fire extinguishers usage”, “Prevention of
SPAD” and “Shunting precautions, usage of hand signals and stabling and securing” etc
1. Conducted Safety Seminar regarding Prevention of SPAD, recent SPAD cases and
revised 32 points (Issued by HQrs) at KCG on 12.04.2022.
2. Conducted Safety Seminar on “Rolling in & Rolling out, HOT axle and Flat places on Tyre” on
13.04.2022 at KCG R&D.
3. Conducted Safety Seminar regarding “Prevention of SPAD cases, recent SPAD cases
and revised 32 points “(Issued by HQrs) at NZB on 16.04.2022.
4. Conducted Safety Seminar regarding “Precautions to be observed while working under
OHE territory” at UR station on 26.04.2022.
5. Conducted Safety Seminar regarding on “OHE precautions” at KRNT station on 10.05.22.