Page 53 - GM E-Booklet Dec-2022
P. 53

  IGBC Green rating of Buildings:

                Division has achieved IGBC rating for 4 buildings.
                  i.   Hyderabad Bhavan                - Gold Rating
                  ii.   Rail Nilayam                   - Gold Rating
                 iii.   Kacheguda Railway Station   - Gold Rating
                 iv.   Diesel Loco shed, Moula Ali  - Gold Rating

              Modernized Lift at Rail Nilayam

                Modernized Lift No.1 (GM’s lift) at Rail Nilayam was inaugurated by our beloved General
                Manager  Shri  Gajanan  Mallya  in  the  presence  of  beloved  Shri  Somesh  Kumar,
                PCEE/SCR on 6th December, 2021.

            Salient Features of Lift:
                      Make - M/s. Omega Elevators, Ahmedabad
                      Gearless motor type with VVVF controls
                      Centre opening sliding Double glass door type
                      Min speed of 1.0 m/sec
                      Eight stops and eight openings on same side
                      It has Audio Announcement feature
                      SMS facility to pre-defined mobile number in case of lift failure
                      Automatic Rescue Device (ARD) in case Power failure
                      Heavy Duty Elevator with 13 Passengers capacity

              Installation of Smart Metering at Quarters

                To  save  huge  manpower  involved  in  Energy  Billing  for  Residential  Quarters  and  also  to  make
                occupant monitor his own energy consumption, smart metering system has been installed in 2917
                residential quarters over the division.

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