Page 58 - GM E-Booklet Dec-2022
P. 58
Commissioning of Solar street lights
For optimum utilization of renewable energy sources by promoting energy conservation,
35 Nos. of LED Solar Street lights commissioned at colonies in MLY, TA Camp, MED and
SLGD area.
Provision of Natural Day Light Pipes
For harnessing the solar energy, 12 Nos. of Sun Light Pipes were installed at DLS/MLY,
RPFTC and IOW Office at Moula-Ali and SSE/HT Office.
Provision of BLDC fans
536 Nos. of Super Energy efficient BLDC fans were provided in place of non-star rated
ceiling fans and wall mounted fans at stations and service buildings over the Division
during the FY 2022-23. These fans consume 44% less power over conventional fans.