Page 99 - GM's Annual Inspection Booklet DEC- 2022
P. 99

                                                         BP on                        Approx-       Utilisation
                                                         RGSL          Actual to       Exp. To       of Funds
        Primary         Actuals        BGSL            to end of        End of         End of       TE Nov‟22
        Unit           2021-22          22-23           Nov‟22          Nov‟21         Nov‟22        over   BP
        10 KMA           16.2166       13.5287           9.0144            10.4733       13.2312        147
        11 OT             4.4804       3.7224            2.4808             2.0953        2.0263         82

        12 NDA            4.5391       3.6204            2.4120             2.9730        3.8877        161
        13 Other         12.4246                                            9.3486        9.1819        129
        Expenses                       10.6950           7.1030
        16 TA            11.3053       9.7949            6.5242             8.0798       10.0539        154

        18-24            45.9500       43.8675          32.1249            30.6944       33.7734        105

        27 Stores      134.8274        84.1026          57.6494            59.8463       33.7734         59
        28                6.5101                                            3.7748        5.3782         99
        Dir.Pur                        7.4105            5.4548
        32 Contrs        76.3718       78.1890          58.4524            47.8240       57.9693         99

        5. DEMAND NO 16-Details of expenditure upto  Nov‟22  (appx).

                                                                                                                     (Fig. in „Crs‟ of Rs)
                                                      BG                                         %
                                        Actuals       2022-23        Exp to      Exp. To  Utilisation
                      Plan Head
                                        2021-22                      end of       End of     of Funds
                                                                     Nov‟21      Nov‟22      over   BG
                 16 Tfc.Facilities           1.2388       7.0786       0.1936      1.8011        25
                 29 Road Safety              2.8419       2.5063       1.2763      0.9669        39
                 wks.                      39.3055       21.1500      18.2795     19.1493        91
                 30 ROB/RUB
                     31 Track Renewals     88.9794       68.0015      34.3029     49.2722        72

                   32 Bridge Works           1.6744       1.1101       1.2397      0.1907        17
                   33 S&T Works              3.2799       1.7339       1.1473      1.0153        59
                   36 Oth.Elec.Wks &
                 TRD                         2.8093       2.2339       1.8348      1.1863        53
                   41 Mach.& Plant           2.2228       1.6251       1.0065      0.6715        41
                     42 Workshops            2.5319       4.0064       0.7858      0.7355        18
                     51 Staff Qtrs  &

                 Staff Amenities             4.4672       2.0733       3.2767      2.2832       110
                   53 Pass Amenities       29.2635       20.3891      17.5833     10.2013        50

                 64 Other SP Wks.            1.7379       4.9228       0.8689      0.7002        14
                   65 HRD                    5.5215       4.2249       2.9806      1.7214        41
                        Total:            185.8740     141.0559       84.7759     89.8949        64

   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103   104