Page 14 - CRS Booklet DEC-2022
P. 14

Load Table (Diesel Traction)
                                                           WDM2/3     WDG3A       WDG4
                  SECTION                 LOAD                                                     REMARKS
                                                           SH  MU  SH  MU  SH  MU
                                                                                          *Train    not    to    be
                                     42 BCNL/42 BCNAL      NP    P*  NP    P    P*$  P    stopped  at  home  signal
              ( Distance: 305 km;                                                         of  MJF,  FM,  NSVP
                                                                                          (Gate),  BDVL,  SHNR,
               Gradient:1/100;      58 BCNHL/59 BOXNL      NP   NP  NP     P*  NP     P
                  Loop Line                                                               MBNR    & GWD.
                 capacity:686     45 BOST/45 CONCORD  NP         P*  NP    P*  P*$  P     $ Banker to be provided
                meters except                                                             from MLY
               UR:440 meters)                                                             - BDVL for CC+6+2 and
                                  3 BRN/50 BTPN/45BLC     NP    P*   NP    P*   P*$  P    above loads.

                                                                                          Run  through  to  b e
                                     42 BCNL/42 BCNAL      NP    P*  NP    P*  P*$  P     given  at  DTP,  MQN  &
                                                                                          BABR     station.
                 DHNE-MLY                                                                 Train  not  to  be  stopped
              ( Distance: 305 km;   58 BCNHL/59 BOXNL      NP   NP  NP  P*$  NP       P   at  home  signal  at  DUU,
               Gradient:1/100;                                                            SHNR, UR  and STPD.
                  Loop Line                                                               $ Banker to be provided
                 capacity:686                                                             from      FM  to  SC/  MJF
                meters except     45 BOST/45 CONCORD  NP        NP  NP     P*  P*$  P     for CC+
               UR:440 meters)                                                             6+2 and above loads.
                                  43 BRN/50 BTPN/45BLC  NP      NP  NP     P*  P*$  P

                                                                                          Train     not     to     be
                                     42 BCNL/42 BCNAL      NP    P*  NP    P*  P*$  P     stopped  at  home  signal
               ( Distance: 305                                                            of MJF and chord    line
                     km;            58 BCNHL/59 BOXNL      NP   NP  NP     P*  NP     P   starter.
               Gradient:1/100;                                                            $   Banker     to     be
                  Loop Line       45 BOST/45 CONCORD  NP        NP  NP     P*  P*$  P     provided  from  MLY  to
                 capacity:686                                                             BMO  for  CC+6+2  and
                   meters)                                                                above loads.
                                  43 BRN/50 BTPN/45BLC  NP      NP  NP     P*  P*$  P
                                                                                          *Train not to be stopped
                                     42 BCNL/42 BCNAL      NP    P*  NP    P*  P*$  P     at MED home signal and
               ( Distance: 305                                                            run  through  to  be  given
                                                                                          at SCP.
                     km;            58 BCNHL/59 BOXNL      NP   NP  NP     P*  NP     P
               Gradient:1/100;                                                            $  Banker     to     be
                  Loop Line       45 BOST/45 CONCORD  NP        NP  NP     P*  P*$  P     provided    from    IDL  to
                 capacity:686                                                             UPW  for  CC+6+2  and
                   meters)                                                                above loads.
                                  43 BRN/50 BTPN/45BLC  NP  NP  NP         P*   P*$  P

             Note: P: Permitted, NP: Not Permitted.
             1. In addition to trailing loads mentioned, brake van is permitted.
             2. In case of stalling the LP should not indefinitely try to pull the load thus causing wheel slip and damage
             to rails. Instead ask for relief /banker engine or work in two portions as per necessity.
             3. SH of any class of any Loco can take full length of empty train.
             4. In case of in climate weather or CD or SR of 30 KMPH and below is imposed at foot or peak of gradient,
             banker Loco to be provided.
             5.  Load  Table  is  prepared  for  standard  composition  rakes.  A)  for  BCN/BCNA  42,  B)BCNHL  58,  C)
             BOX/BOXNL 59, D)BOST/CONCORD 45, E) BRN 43, F)BTPN 50 & G)BLC 45

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