Page 19 - CRS Booklet DEC-2022
P. 19

Monthly Inspection schedules of Operating Officers

            S. No                      Nature of inspection                        Sr. DOM          AOM

              1      Station Inspection                                                 2             2

              2      Safety Inspection                                                  -             2

              3      Night Surprise Inspection/ Ambush check                            1             1

              4      Surprise Inspection by Road                                        1             -

              5      Speed Check                                                        -             -

              6      Night Inspection of Stations / LC Gates / Cabins, etc.             -             1

                                                                                     1 Chg      2 (1 in day &
              7      Foot plate Inspection
                                                                                    1 Goods      1 in night)
              8      Inspection of Crew Booking Office / Lobby                          1             1

              9      Inspection of LC Gates                                             1             2

              10     Inspection of Running Room                                         1             1

              11     Monitoring of Guards working & Inspection of SLR / BV              -             1

              12     Inspection of ART / MRV                                            -             -

              13     Safety Seminars                                                    -             -

                                                                                     1 in 6
              14     Meeting with TIs                                                                 -
                     Checking knowledge of rules:
                     a) SMs / Dy. SS                                                                 10
              15     b) Guards                                                          -            05
                     c) Points men                                                                   10
                     d) Gatemen                                                                      05

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