Page 24 - CRS Booklet DEC-2022
P. 24
4. Position of running staff
Category Sanction Actual Vacancy Excess Remarks
3 LPM working as CC/PRC. After
LPM 50 48 2 0 completion of CC/PRC selection they
will be repatriated.
LPG to LPP for 73 LPGs panel
released on 31.12.2019. 22 LPGs
LPP 144 77 67 0 promoted as LPP. Sending LPGs for
promotional training as per slot
allotted by head quarters
LPG 134 165 0 31 -
LPS-1 14 14 0 0
LPS-II 3 3 0 0
Sr ALP 201 116 85 0 -
1) 35 RRB Alps allotted on
29.08.2022. Out of 35, only 21
reported at Division. Training at
ZRTI from 14.11.22
ALP 50 129 0 79 2) 05 Candidates qualified in
written exam on 28.112022
against 50% Lateral Induction
Quota and waiting for aptitude
Total 596 552 154 110
CLI 26 20 6 0 Notification issued on 30.11.2022